The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, November 25, 2022

Mass Shooters and Everyone Deserves a Second Chance at Life 11 25 2022

 1. An argument against the death penalty is that everyone deserves a Second Chance.  But perhaps when a mass shooter kills that "Second" person and more, they just lost that Second Chance?

2.  Does everyone really deserve a Second Chance?  Let's say that killer was born with an abnormal brain due to parent's drug abuse.  How much is someone like that going to make out of a Second Chance at life?  Limited right?  (So the reason it isn't this way is because of some concept of Political Correctness that was grafted onto America by Organized Crime?)  Or perhaps a pervasive concept of one must have pity on the bad because you too could be bad?  I mean can't we think more positively than that?  Why can't we have more faith in humanity than that?  Who is teaching us that, which amounts to, the natural inability to have faith in humanity?  It is the lessers who don't want the rest of us to have faith in a higher standard of humanity?  And that is a drag down of our country.

But what about the surviving victims of Mass Shootings?  What are the odds that they are going to be able to make a good Second Chance out of their life?  Family members.  Family members were killed.  People they loved.  People they nurtured in what is supposed to be an environment among other "safe" people.

They don't really get a second chance after that do they!  That family was broken.  Someone extremely alienated that they found absolutely no commonality with people killed them.  Someone that had absolutely no respect for other people.  Someone that had no understanding of what a good family is.  Someone that views people darkly?  Someone that can't handle normal human potential.  Someone that spites human life.  Someone that takes refuge and happiness from drug abuse because it is a substitute for happiness in their rotten life.  Someone whose parents were small minded.  Likely didn't really have both a father or mother figure.

And as they drank from the bottle, they believed that it was the blood of Christ giving them eternal life?  Yeah, I do believe these people were home grown from bad principles of religion.  Principles of religion that the weak minded among us would never seek to question.  For fear they would be cursed by God and the preacher if they did?  Yes there is that threat in the Bible isn't there!

Whose will does the mass shooter believe they are fulfilling?  Some of them have Trump memorabilia?  So that is a concept of fascism?  As if somehow by committing acts of violence they can be identified with someone highly successful?  Whether or not the purported leader believes in that really doesn't matter.  In that twisted mind the leader is considered the same as them.  Hence anything they do they believe is commensurate with honoring the leader?  Because the leader speaks as if he really believes in them?  And as he does so the donations pour in.  And once the money is given it is hard to part with your thinking differently or contradictory to the leader on public policy?  As if that is a part of your life you have surrendered to authority?  And the leader purports that great deeds of injustice have been committed against him?  That the election was rigged.  Even though on an off day he will say that he did lose the election?  So you have the same bag of rotten vegetables?

And you just might have learned something about the validity of leadership that you didn' know before?  The internal rotteness of the leader transcends everything that they do.  And why were you not taught to look for these clues?  And why were you not taught to speak up for what you believed in?

Because you already know your beliefs were unjustified.  Again you surrendered personal judgement and what might be considered the independence of manhood in favor of worshipping the king of the dung hill.

"King of the dung hill can you throw some love my way?"


I mean what are you going to get from someone like that?

That's all.

© 2022 Thomas Murphy

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