The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Sammy The Bull 11 15 2022 draft

 Subtitled: The Mafia defines the Schizophrenic to be a Saint?

Sammy the Bull 11 15 2022

So I was watching a video that interviewed a Mafia criminal named Sammy the Bull.

As per the initiation they cut their finger placed it on a small paper image of a Saint and said something to the effect of, “If you ever decide to not be one of us, may your soul burn like that of the Saints.”

Well, by golly, if that isn't the exact thing every person labeled with schizophrenia needlessly experiences!

So right there you have a declaration of there being two sides to something with the mafia on implying they are on the causality side. Do you see the veiled threat and what it amounts to?

There is no greater satanic statement than that! That is an indoctrination into being the antichrist! And we also see that satanism every Sunday in the Church with the declaration that someone else was meant to die for your sins (crimes). Completely the other side of the coin from man is meant to be responsible. No, someone was chosen to die for your crimes so you do not have to live a responsible life as a man or adult.

So it looks to me like the mafia walk hand in hand with the Church.  Let me ask you this, have you ever been at a mass and seen how scared the Priests look when someone who looks to be a member of organized crime becomes present?  As if they (clergy) are ultimately accountable to organized crime and live under the threat of that?  I have seen that!

How does the mafia make the assertion upon initiation that the souls of saints burn? Most of us would believe that the souls of Saints live on in heaven and therefore are not burning at all! What does the mafia know of such torment?


He also stated that when they fight and kill they only do so amongst themselves. As if that would justify the general public to not care or be concerned with their activities? Here is the reason you should though. Because those killings amount to gun violence statistics that misrepresent the law-abiding gun owners in the United States!

So in effect those killings amount to a justification for gun control of the general public. Which only serves the criminal interest. Why? Because without the law-abiding general public having guns we would be ruled by the criminal public. The law-abiding general public is not prone to violence as is the criminally organized.

Ask yourself how many of those inner city shootings are linked to organized crime?  And your sycophant media uses that to propagandize gun control!  As if the media is afraid of the organized crime to and bows to them in the name of gun control?  Clearly organized crime will always be a threat of violence whether there are guns about or not.  The Second Amendment mitigates that threat and keeps it at bay and in its place.  Just the notion that you have the inalienable right to protect yourself.  The criminal minded loathe that!

A criminal can and should be thought of as someone who could not fairly earn their money in a democracy! And then go on and ask yourself why communist and communist countries are really a big threat to humanity!

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy

Ps.. Sure I said it again.  And it could be used in some way to condemn me.  But you know what?  I would not consider myself a man if I didn't say it.  Evil exists when good men fail to act.  Like it or not, writing, your expression of free speech is an act!  Jesus knew it too!  He stated, "The pen is mightier than the sword."  So after they take the "sword" then you have no protection to use the pen!  Right?  Think about it!

And I believe Sammy stated "We fight among ourselves." Which indicates present tense.  Which indicates the mafia is alive and well as an organization.

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