The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Smoking Officers and Directors of A Charity

What if it was deemed that if you donated money to a charity whereby the officers and directors where smokers it is really considered a pass through entity whereby you really just bought them a pack of cigarettes for the day?

The point here is; maybe you didn't want to support that?  You didn't want to support self destructive behavior?  There is a conflict between supporting self destructive behavior and supporting a charitable cause.


Let's say someone calls you asking for a donation for a breast cancer charity do you have the right to know if they smoke before you donate?

I guess I am getting at an issue of status and hypocrisy.


Donate to a politician and didn't you really just help him buy a 24k Gold Watch that he couldn't otherwise afford?


So I will use termination factor; does the person truly love their cause?


So when I was an Associate Equity Research Analyst on Wall Street I was at a dinner with the mgmt of a Canadian Corp.  In order to mitigate the disability the voices were causing me I had stopped drinking alcohol.  I ordered a cola with my meal and the President of that Co. said to me, "I don't recognize that."

Perhaps it is time the United States doesn't recognize something?

©2022 Thomas Murphy 

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