The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, November 11, 2022

Social Media Employment Cuts 11 11 2022

 So on the news they said that Twitter was making cuts.  And there was also an implication from management or media that they needed to do so to stay in business; some negative comment like that.  Also Facebook is making cuts too.

But Elon Musk supported Trump.  Trump lost the election.  Musk buy Twitter. 

Also Trump had some kind of Social Media site initiative whose stock tanked because a lot of people he promoted in the mid term elections didn't make it.  Or worse, they even further blighted the reputation of the Republican Party.  And boy did Mitch McConnell get that right, that it is going to be hard to find good candidates for the Republican Party!

Does it look to you like what helped win the election for the Democrats was righteous and true commentary?  And hence the Republicans want to shut that down! 

But Joe Biden recently said that the United States Government should look into Elon Musk ties to foreign governments.  I agree with that 100%.  What foreign gov is Biden alluding to? Elon looks to be English to me.


Now I am getting off topic here.  But I had to make this comment.  Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister during WW2 stated that "The problem with the Irish is that they do not want to be English."

Considering what the British did to the Irish in world history before that I would have to say that is an extremely racist comment.  My father served in WW2.  Sure as a combat medic.  But he was over there in the thick of it in Germany.

So I do resent it that we got drawn into WW2 by a nation that was racist to my Irish nationality.  In effect they had Irish fighting against the Irish sense of self in that?  Follow the logic?  Irish Americans fighting for the life of a nation that was racist against the Irish?


Does it bother me that giant media companies are making huge cuts?  I don't see how they are even creating their own content! It is user content and the user isn't even getting paid for it in most cases.  So lets say that they make 10,000 cuts to employment.  I bet that some of those people were highly overpaid!  Probably making over $100,000 a year when it is essentially user content that drives the sites activity.  I also don't like the manure spreader model of campaign financing.  Whereby they raise hundreds of millions of dollars and it goes to directly to the television media?  Why?  And when that much fresh meat is on the table what happens to the credibility of the media?  When I turn on that television I am often listening to someone speaking with a speech defect.  So what is that?  Parents got rich.   Drank a lot of alcohol.  And that child with the speech defect is the product of it.  You and I wouldn't get those jobs!  They would loathe us more than the devil loathed Jesus Christ.

But look at how all of those social media job cuts happen immediately after that election is over.


So I do some painting.  And I once went to an art exhibit.  I overheard a painter attempting to sell a painting for $30,000.  And it sounded to me like there was the promise of a homosexual relationship involved in that price? So that is indeed what I think goes on with a lot of this campaign finance manure spreader money.

And I did say it yesterday.  I believe that the current Republican Party believes wholeheartedly in the concept of worshiping those who are the King of the Sh1t Hill.  And that that is exactly what they are making out of our country.

© 2022 Thomas Paul Murphy


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