The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, May 19, 2023

A Standing Military 05 19 2023

 So it was that black candidate for President who stated many black men that go to prison end up turning into homosexuals.

And I want to ask a question and make a comparison.

I have to wonder if the Military is somehow creating homosexuals like the prison system is postulated to do?

And look at the horror of it if it were true.  A man enlists to serve his country and comes out of the military a homosexual?  (Don't I have the right to assert my belief that that is a horror?)

So how does it happen?  How does it happen in the prison system might help answer that?  But apparently we don't know the answer?  Or perhaps we do know the answer and those who provide answers and pretend to be authority deny the answer?

If you have someone of authority and managing other military members below them in rank could that cause enlisted men to come out homosexual?

And a lot of what a man is is because of his father?  Imprinted by his father?  It as a valid psychological construct.  When a father shows his son how to do some work their brainwaves become one out of the patriarchal family love?  And that is called imprinting.

And the voice of rage and ruin hates every dam thing I think and write.

How is that voice of rage and ruin attempting to imprint males?  She doesn't have a male brainwave.  And I will assert that the male brainwave is different than the female brain wave.  It has to be because anatomies of them are different.

Imprinting has connotative meaning of something permanant!

And indeed this is why I am firmly against the pro life movement.  Because who is going to imprint those babies abandoned out of what we are led to believe is necessity?  Get blind Bert to do it?  Blind Bert can't do it because the eyes are part of the brain.

The voice of rage and ruin can't do it because that is not a male brainwave!  As much as it desires to be, it cannot!

It is almost all like a British plot to deteriorate a productive democracy of the free.

A standing military is listed in the Constitution as being illegal.

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

So while I am on the subject of military, I will mention gun control.  The ATF giving someone a 250,000.oo fine or 10 years in prison for what amounts to a small variation in a gun?  It has a small strap on that back of it?  Can't have that brau strap on it, or you go to jail for 10 years and are fined $250,000.oo

First of all the Constitution states you have the right to have a firearm that cannot be infringed.  Second of all the Constitution states that you can't not be fined excessively.

I would say that even a $5000 fine is excessive!  Even $1000.oo fine seems excessive to me, in general terms of what fines could be.

So we have Social Security for those mentally retarded of the Pro Life movement?  I think I read their parents get $85,000 a year for them.  It's a drunken whores dream come true in every way!   

A point with regard to that last paragraph is that a substantial amount of money finds its way to that whereas it can't seem to find its way to a homeless person or veteran?

It finds its way to someone who will always have the mind of a child.  And by the way in order to be a free Mason you have to love children.  

And perhaps I am not being fair to the military or prison system.  If someone committed a crime such as violent drug dealing and pimping.  What are the odds they are retarded in the first place?  What is the prevalancy of mental retardation among homosexuals?  What is the prevalence of homosexuality among the mentally retarded.  I think we would find a high correlation.  And I don't think homosexual conversion therapy can help it.  It is genetic and set in stone.  Any imprint they might receive in conversion therapy is only temporary and dependent upon the mind of the heterosexual that imprinted. And one male mind being dependent on another like that is a form of homosexuality by definition.

And then they create psychiatric drugs that tinker with the hormones of the heterosexual.  In an attempt to what?  Make a female out of a male?  To appease what?  The voice of rage and ruin?  Also known as the Spaghetti Monster in some locals?

So now I have shifted to pure diatribe.

Let's say that a woman is fired from Catholic School as a teacher or whatever.  That decision might have been referenced by a Priest?  And a priest is said to have Divine Inspiration and guidance directly from God.

Which means what?  That woman was fired by God!

Somehow that person didn't' conduct themselves with Catholic values?  They didn't draw on the teachings of God?  But more or less so, the voice of rage and ruin?

What are the odds that if a boy has a mother who has a voice of rage and ruin that that boy will end up being a homosexual?  I would state it has to be a pretty high correlation.  I have a right to free speech.  Yes I Do.

And so a drunken prostitute has a son who is mentally defective.  Let's say his name is Timothy.  What are the odds he will be a homosexual and also end up being a gay prostitute?

And if a gay man works his way up the corporate ladder through homosexual affairs, it really means unseen compensation for homsexuality.  Hence the term prostitute.  And prostitution was deemed to be the worlds oldest religion per my High School Law Professor.

And so if miraculously I became President I would indeed make a lot of changes to our country consistent with my belief system.  I might even put a lot of women in prison like was done in Europe before Martin Luther started screwing up the world.  So you had the black Moors ruling Europe from what roughly 700 ad to 1300 or 1400 ad.  And then somehow you had a lot of odd women that needed to be put in prison?  Was it because of incompatible DNA recombination of races on brain anatomy and function?  Who knows.  We will never know.  Because nobody wants to know.  A fool doesn't want to know why he is a fool.  Because a fool can't change.  A fool just wants to be a happy fool.  Whether gay or a drug user or whatever.

You know we were considered the strongest nation in the world.  It does matter how we conduct ourselves.  What we believe is true does matter.  The Constitution Our Founding Fathers gave does highly matter.  Ask yourself who hates it and why?

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

I would correctly all of those quickly typed misspelled words however I have mysteriously lost large sections of text sometimes in attempting to do so.  So it stands.

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