The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, May 22, 2023

Who makes money from short funding Public Education? 05 22 2023

 Those that sell alcohol, tobacco and drugs do!

Cut education funding to the inner city and they are going to need a substitute for happiness because they are stupid?  That substitute being alcohol, drugs and tobacco.

Good if you sell alcohol, drugs and tobacco.  

Not good if you want to live in a country of universally good neighborhoods.

It also feeds the financial industry.  Those lesser educated people are going to need to borrow to stay afloat and eat.

Is that person who is born dim witted because their parents drank alcohol during conception or pregnant really free?  I mean compare the above to a person who can normally learn.  How could argue and say they were born in freedom and a free environment?

Now does our Constitution guarantee that you are born in freedom and a free environment?

I believe that is what our Founding Fathers wanted for you.  Some motor mouth on television will vehemently deny something like that.

Or and here is my recent favorite, that the 14th Amendment needs to go through the court system to see if it can be applied to our public debt.  You people are absolutely sickening.  And you are only here out of the pity of good men and women.


So why do Republicans short fund the public education system?  They are projecting their own invalidity of being able to learn onto the poor?  And it is convenient of them to keep the poor poor?  Gives them a sense of power and aloofness?  Justifies their ill gotten gains?  Creates a system of "the distributor of ill gotten gains" AKA Ronald Reagan trickle down economic machination.  Machination, not theory. 

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

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