The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, May 14, 2023

The Downfall of an Education System is 05 14 2023

 The downfall of an education system and therefore human civilization is, when you can't say something because it is true.

And there is more than one way a human civilization can fail.  Wise people know this.  Another way human civilization can fail is when a living environment can no longer support life.

And I do believe that some politicians attempt to sell a weak environmental policy as really being a strong one!  And what are the easy elements of that sale?

1. "Under my leadership you no longer have to clean up the messes you create?"  The ogre class Republican dig s into that idea on the subconscious level.  "Under my leadership you won't have to pay for any messes you created in the creating employment or making money!"  Which brings me to the next selling point.

2.  "Look at me, I am so strong I could live anywhere on earth!  Those poisons from production don't harm a strong man like me.  I could live in a tar pit!  I could live in a Nuclear Wasteland and not have any ill health effects whatsoever.  Things like that don't affect strong men like me!"

You if I had the time I could post data on all the wise guys who died of things like prostate cancer, drug overdose poisoning.  Etc.  Just to help debunk or disprove the selling point of number two above?

And how come only the Democrats know those selling points are weak minded?  How come Republicans don't have a clue about that being weak minded?  Because they need to believe in a delusion of meeting all requirements and surpassing liabilities in order to be profitable and therefore rich?

Which perhaps brings me to point number three?

3.  "Look at me, I have no liabilities!"  Well the truth be told with regard to the last President, he borrowed from his own liabilities in order to become rich!  And that is indeed a legacy structure of law that sniveled its way into our country from Great Britain.

Now as strong as our Accounting System is, it is oblivious to the idea of accounting for "Borrowing from liabilities!"  How convenient!

Recharacterization of a liability as an asset and borrowing from it!  Try putting concepts of  that on the CPA exam and the grader would go nuts!

But there is a presto magician element here.  Whereby the homeowners knows what his liability is but the real estate mogul who makes his billions from preventing people from becoming home owners is able to presto magically recharacterize his liabilities as assets and borrow from them?  In terms of a balance sheet understanding it isn't really equity value it should be rephrased to be characterized as what is the liability value of the asset?  And what is the liability value of Ponzi schemed or rather pyramid schemed string of such "kiting" transactions?

And here we get into a moral issue.  You and I wouldn't "kite" liability asset transactions because we know it is wrong, we were taught to be more responsible than that, we know that if things went wrong we would owe more money than we could make,  so what type of individual licks a dog bowl like that clean?

And I do think it is very important to recharacterize something like this so that it doesn't happen again.  So that we don't all end up like those Irish whose food mysteriously was shipped to England because they owed them that due to Landlord Tennant Law and....  You know what?  There are too many rotten things like that in the United States that can make you go bankrupt and homeless.  The Constitution forbids it!  Not one Politician in our Nation understands the p

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

....power for good in the Constitution.  The Eighth Amendment!  Bars Excessive Fines!  The Devil hates that 8th Amendment!  Loathes it!

Why?  Excessive fines are a way to drain the life out of human beings!

Not only do excessive fines represent a barrier to competition; they drain the life out of the competitor!

As if somehow by necessitated delusion human potential can belong to other people, the belief being that if you fixate enough another persons human potential it can become yours?  Excessively fine them over nothing so that you can start a cascade in them whereby they no longer believe in their own human potential?  A child is born into the world and believes everything it points its finger at is "mine?"  Create a dollhouse of renters?  Borrow from that house even though you have a 95% liability in it?  Say it is worth more than it actually is because people like you are doing the exact same thing?  Buy more houses with dolls in them?  Make the rent so high they can never afford a home of their own.  I would love to ban it!  And then after you do that what issue pops up next?  Do you really want people who would implement such a structure living in your community?  And oh, oh, we don't dare say that.

"What?  You are a lawyer and don't understand the meaning of the 8th Amendment?  I would disbar every single instance of that!"  So that is a pretty good title, isn't it, Lawyer?  What if we had a better selection of lifetime terms for people like that?  People who fake their understanding of Professions?  I think those derogatory titles need to happen.  For example such and such is not a Convicted Felon, they are a "Swindler Convicted Felon"  Or perhaps if the criminal nature is to the degree of subverting the understanding of the Constitution the term might be, Treason Convicted Felon.  Owe we don't dare convict and execute anyone guilty of treason in this day and age!  

"Who is your neighbor?"

"A Treason Convicted Felon."

"Why isn't he in jail?"

"It is this day and age.  It would be mortally depressing for me to punish such individuals!"

(computer went on the blink up there and would not allow me to get to type after that p.

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