The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Kamikaze Mass Shooters 05 06 2023

 What am I talking about?  In World War Two there were foreign enemies who didn't care if they died as they were bombing us in planes!  In fact they felt they were hero's as they piloted their planes straight into our Navy ships.

So what about Mass Shooters?  They don't care if they die either.  Can we determine that they are all of a foreign enemy?  I don't think we will be able to.  But I don't know if we have to prove that is true in order to treat the idea as if it is true!!!

In other words their behavior erodes our Constitutional Right to bear firearms!  Just as those who committed suicide as they flew their planes into our Warships eroded our military capability.

So you watched the Kentucky Derby today and the first thing they said was the Commonwealth of Kentucky.  They didn't call it the state of Kentucky.  They called it the Commonwealth.  And you also saw a new King of England being officially crowned today.  England the protector of a commonwealth of many nations.  I wonder how many people know that they are the first Country the United States Declared War on?  And they are not a Democracy they are a Monarchy.

Without our Constitutional Rights what are we?  We would have lost 247 years of Freedom!

And perhaps we have allowed wealth to concentrate in our Country that makes that power structure more akin to a Monarchy?  And hence you have the wealthy wanting to opt in on that.  Not just an alliance but a unified ugliness.

And you see the Republican Party taking great strides to make it happen!  First you had Reagan and gun control.  Then you had Bush and limitations on your right to free speech that are absolutely rediculous and do not serve the interets of a Democracy of the Free.

And we need to change the power structure in this country so that you don't have those with the equivalent of an 8th grade education at best making millions in Professional sports.

And what did I see on the baseball field today?  Argument that was an escalation?  Just the kind of behavior that gets people killed.  So why make it seem like it is the way to be a millionaire?  Is it entertainment or is it serious?   It can be whatever kind of weasel it wants to when it wants to.

And then you have the other high paid profession of actors.  Those who pretend to be other people.

And then you have the corporate structure with titles like Executive.  Which comes from the word executive?  And the first corporations in the world were what was called burial groups.  And executives are hailed when they cut costs by firing hard working Americans.  And they buy the politicians.  And the Republican politicians then threaten to dismantle the government after they have effectively concentrated all the wealth.

And what about employment?  Monopolized and also conducted by Communist like countries overseas.

Mass shooters.  So we all know the antisocial types?  The bullies?  You are there in school to learn and they are not?  Perhaps their parents where highly wealthy?  Perhaps they drank while pregnant and that bully has a brain de-formality with none of the outward physical signs of Downs Syndrome!  Highly likely!

So what does a mass shooter believe in?  Not themselves.  Because you don't take your own life when you believe in yourself?  So is it fascism they believe in?  The idea that some other person best represents how they should think, feel and mouth off to everyone here?  Do they believe in pro life?  Where every mean fatherless child is allowed to run willy nilly?

Do they believe in facial piercing and tattoes?  Did you know that the word British come from Prickish?  Meaning needle pricking tattoed people?

They don't believe in the product of the good American family, because that is who they are indiscriminately shooting!  And hence I have come full circle in this article.  In effect they are committing suicide in mass shootings to erode our Constitutional Rights?  Do I really need to prove something if the outcome of it makes it true?

I need you to chew on that last sentence until you are beet red tomato faced mad at how ignorant you are.

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

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