The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, July 30, 2018

Is Russia Really an extension of the British Empire 07 30 2018

Is Russia Really an extension of the British Empire  07 30 2018

This Video shows that a Russian Emperor wore a dress as a boy.  That practice originated from Queen Victoria of the British Empire and her influence?

That is the second item of research that shows the connection.

If I were to research this further what would I find?

What am I getting at?  In our foreign policy confusion the American public is often propagandized to believe, "Oh this foreign nation is good today and that foreign nation is bad?"  When in reality most don't have the standards of our Constitution and hence are all "Bad" in terms of what their influence on us could be if we allowed it?

A government changes structure and yet the same people are in power?  What does that really mean?  It means that under the current structure that was viewed fairly those in power couldn't compete fairly in it anymore!  And good God don't we see that today with Bernie Sanders and Socialism!  The media just took it in like a suck on a lollie pop without any concern or objection to it.  Should make you shudder.

And we have a United States President today that really isn't making much of a difference between us and them.  Rather he is going at it his best to make the equivalency of us to foreign nations.  Very subversively but it is there because of the preponderance of media events between him and other nations?  He never really say's "I don't like this foreign nation because (for one of the very valid reasons in terms of how rights of their people are limited and nonexistent.)  Scary!

So lets say that this is being done to attract business to the United States?  "Look at how the U.S. reaches out to dictators?  Maybe they will do business with us on good terms?"  Something like that?  Like a marketing ploy to attract money from the foreign wealthy?  Who benefits?  Per the reasons in the prior paragraph not the honest hard working American.  But rather your politically connected "elite".

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

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