The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, July 2, 2018

What is the Percentage of Learning Disability People that go on to be Substance Users/Abusers? 07 02 2018

What is the Percentage of Learning Disability People that go on to be Substance Users/Abusers?  07 02 2018

It has to be fairly high.  If you have a Learning Disability you likely don't find much comparative happiness in life?  In fact what will your whole life really amount to?  Likely Schadenfreude Cognition?

Hence the only sense of happiness a person like that is going to obtain will be through "substances" rather than honest achievement.  And the concept does indeed still apply, that people who didn't earn their money are not happy people.  ~What they always tell everyone in school, when you cheat you are really cheating yourself.

And didn't a bunch of criminal people figure that one out too!  Give people like that drugs and you will have a very good customer and make a lot of money.  And we could say that because they are illegal it makes the profit dealing in them more subject to violence?  No, not really.  Because you have degreed people wearing lab Doctor coats prescribing opiates in a criminal way which leads to about that same type of death as a violent death, in that they are both tragic and unnatural ways to die.

And what supports this assertion?  The fact that 1 in 3 Mentally Retarded people feel that life isn't worth living; thoughts of suicide.

So the drugs become like a father to them.  Not only are they an escapism from the mental retardation but they also foster it.

I just articulated that last sentence.  I want you to think about that sentence and what it means for our Democracy which was established to be the best example of Human Freedom.   So you erode that concept, you erode our Democracy, you erode human freedom.  Very hard to reestablish.  But those who are mentally defective don't want it to be.  Why?  To them it is a constant self negative comparison to the human race!  Hence they are motivated to make it go away.  Whereby they can dictate everything a human being does.  That is empowerment of the mentally retarded.  It is something I do not believe in.  Do you see why?  That is a different class structure that in every way is a threat to the human race.

Do you know why they want to legalize drugs?  Because they cause hethenization.  They level down the human being to the same level as the mentally retarded person.  And that makes the mentally retarded person happy.   Drugs cause mental retardation.  Marijuana does so more than alcohol in the teenage brain.

Who is our Constitution designed to protect?  The substance abuser and their mentally defective children or the normal.  It is indeed mutually exclusive principal.  The Constitution was established to protect us against the corrupt and criminal minded coming into power and abusing the normal.  That is all there is to it.  You may not like it, but it is true.

Happy Fourth of July. 

We already established Greatness in this country.  Immigrants?  They don't want to conform to it.  They want the ways of their cultures and mystic religions to supersede it!  They want their opinions, which they cannot support, to be able to strike down Constitutional Concepts.  And it makes them very angry when they are not able to do that.  When they are not able to establish Divine Right.  Which is the equivalent of unaccountable Government.  "Why did you do that?"  "Because I am the one that makes those decisions."  People like that never belonged here.

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

Did you ever notice how stressful your life was on your parents?  Did you ever even once consider that?  They likely didn't want you to because they knew it would be a depressive road block for you?  They just wanted you to be happy.  Didn't really understand why you wouldn't.  Thought it could be delayed.  Thought you would never have to realize how inept you are in comparison to normal human beings?

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