The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Sun Praire Wisconsin 07 11 2018

So a Contractor breached a gas main?  How?

And the Firefighter who died also owned the bar that the gas main was outside of that blew up.

Is this what was breached?

How much pressure was that gas under?  How much pressure is the gas under before it hits the meter to your home?

So it was a restaurant with a gas grill?  And the pressure would be higher to somewhere like that?

The point being it had to have leaked out fast?  But it usually doesn't leak that fast because it isn't under a lot of pressure.

But the main point here is, the gas is leaking, how come there wasn't time for someone qualified to stop it from leaking to be there to safely do it?

You smell gas leaking do you call a bar owner or the Natural Gas Company?

But I presume that firefighters are trained to deal with it.  As it is a major source of combustion.  I really don't know the scope of a firefighters training.

The last firefighter that I talked to was in the emergency room when I brought my mother in.  He said he didn't want to give narcon to heroin addicts (in order to save their life) because they would just keep using the opiates.  I found that to be a lack of integrity.

So indeed, what happened.

Who was the contractor that breached the line?
How did the contractor breach the line?

Once allowed to spew out what ignited it?  Could have been many things.

When I worked at a Gas Station (circa 1987)  I watched as some knuckle head who was an AS.. Certified Mechanic intentionally held his lit cigarette lighter 6 inches away from gas he was openly pouring.

If you don't think that the entire nation is going to go up is smoke as pot becomes used whether legal or not you got a screw loose!

Everywhere I go I see help wanted signs.  So where are the workers?

I'll give you a hint.  They are all mentally defective and want to be someone that they can never be.  They want to get high.

And it is indeed exactly like what Jesus Christ said to the Jewish Villagers when the Romans invaded.  ~"You fools, for how long have I been telling you to come out in the courtyard to learn."

Isn't that sad.  Where they all likely Fetal Alcohol Syndrome mentally retarded?  Likely so, I will assert.

You are not going to make America Great with that faction here.  So we just have to deal with it.  Nothing we can do about it.  It is like what my father told me.  "Whatever can't be cured must be endeared."

I don't get it.  Shouldn't there have been someplace to turn off the gas to that supply so that it couldn't have leaked out that much?

And hopefully those who are paid reporters at the news media can have these questions answered.  Rather than lecturing us on how much respect we should have for firefighters risking their lives.  Oh, Jesus Christ.  You ought to know how Gad Damned hard it is to do anything safely when you have a retard horses head talking to you in your head.

What is the standard response the Firefighter likely has to a fire? Control the fire and let it burn out?  Dump as much water as you can on it?  But I do appreciate it that they are skilled paramedics!  I do!

I do appreciate Fire Fighters.

The days used to be when you were told that a firefighter had to be able to carry a 200 lb man on his shoulders out of a burning building.  The other say I saw a women firefighter at a restaurant.  And I thought. there is no way she could save me.

And I have to wonder who gets jobs as a firefighter and who doesn't?  Is there nepotism?  Is it entrenched?  Do they have a code that is off the books?  I wonder.

But I do indeed hope for legitimacy in everything.

So was the contractor tinkering with the gas main?  It doesn't make sense.  Should there be metal posts filled with concrete in front of gas mains?  The other day I saw a photograph on youtube where a mini van somehow ended up smashed into the second floor of a two story house.

You can't tell me that person wasn't intoxicated.  I also believe that should be illegal.

And again.  What is the danger of legalized pot?  Some sh1t kid working at a nuclear power plant.  The writing is on the wall there.  But you idiots are too dam dumb to see it coming.

© 2018 Thomas Paul Murphy

What Contractor is working at 7pm in official capacity?

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