The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Personal Note 07 05 2018 updated

Personal Note 07 05 2018

"I see people walking with a twelve pack of beer under their arm and I am so glad that isn't me."

I don't go to Baseball games since they were found using steroids.  But all I see adults doing there is drinking beer.  Same goes for Football or Basketball.

When I think of it.  That is just too much temptation for me.  So I will not go even if I got invited.

Very interesting research at that above link.  The Alcohol company propaganda machines are working heavily to, well you read it:

"A study published in 2017 has found that front organisations set up by the world's leading alcohol companies are actively misleading the public about the risk of cancer due to alcohol consumption. The study drew parallels with the long-standing activities of the tobacco industry. It also claimed that there was a particular focus on misleading women drinkers, because much of the misinformation about cancer produced by these companies was found to be focused on breast cancer.[168]"

Source Wikipedia.

It reads to me like they don't want women to know that alcohol causes breast cancer!

You have to love yourself.

The person who loves themselves can enjoy a great many activity alone.  The person who doesn't love themselves can't do anything alone?  I can't imagine what that would be like.  It would be like your own brainwave or lack of one attacking you?  What thoughts does a person like that have?  What negative thoughts do they have?  They suffer because of their own cognition?

When I see a woman deeply inhaling a cigarette or vape what do I think?  I think that is self destructive behavior.  What does that really mean?  That person hates themselves.  Now I could give them the benefit of the doubt and say that someone else really hates them and demonically possesses them to do that self hating behavior.  But perhaps the better way to look at it is.  If they hate themselves that much what happens when you date or marry them?  You tell them to quit smoking?  Either way are they just looking for someone to hate besides themselves?  

Stand back and take a real good look at the gestalt of that?  Someone that engages in self destructive behavior..what are the odds they are going to turn that on you?  Highly likely.

I could say that is a ruined individual?  But I don't believe that to be true.  I think that perhaps initially they were demonically possessed into the self destructive behavior and then that drug was addictive!  So indeed that little bit of negativity they experienced led to a lot of poor health and suffering because the addictive substance was around for them to ruin their life with.

So you are new to a wealthy neighborhood and the first person that you meet insults you?  Think of that person as being void of a human soul.  And don't let it bother you.  They are intent on what they said bothering you.  Because if it bothers you you are thinking of them.  "What did I do wrong?"  You didn't do a Gad damned thing wrong!  The vacant of the soul do that in order to be with you in your spirit and thinking.  It is the basis of demonic possession.   If you think about them it is the same as demonic possession of you.

And I do believe that we shouldn't be subjected to people like this.  A friend is a friend.  You share the same interests and friends don't insult each other.  Friends don't push addictive substances on each other.  And we all likely have done that.  "Have a drink."  I might have even done it too.  Am I proud of it?  No.  I am not proud of saying someone should have a drink.  Was it my fault I said it?  I have to give myself more credit than that.  I believe it is an extremely harmful substance that the human race shouldn't be exposed to.  Whenever I read someone died of cancer I think either it was caused by Alcohol or Tobacco.

You have to learn to enjoy life without those things.  If you heard demonic voices mocking your every human thought you would covet every single moment in your life that you were drug and alcohol free.  You would make the best of life that way.  You would realize you have something the demonic can never have,  NORMALITY!  Yes indeed Biblical Revelation right there.  The Demonic brain damaged curse human beings because they are Normal.  And sure that attrition and abuse makes the human being sick.  Puts you into a tailspin initially.  But you are normal.  It is kind of like the military using high intensity sound to oust Noriega from his compound.  A person hears that long enough they are mentally ill.  But they aren't really mentally ill are they.  They have been abused!  Once the sound stops they return to normal if they can get over the trauma of it.  The sound never stops.  Someone reading this knows the source of the sound?

As you (a demonic person who torments the thoughts of human beings) watch person after person that you claimed to love dying of cancer, know that your presence in this world, your attitude, your stubborn will, your horrific meanness,  you caused it.  That is right!  You were part of the normalization of hethenization.  You mocked normality.  You spited it.  You loathed it.  You tried to control it.  You did everything in your power to lie about it.  You promoted it.  YOU OBSTRUCTED KNOWLEDGE THAT WOULD HAVE DIMINISHED AND THEN STOPPED IT..  You better believe you caused it.  And admit it, that is what you enjoy.

You held strong to feeble thoughts!  You held strong to spoiled and vile beliefs.  Rather than anything that would require you to compare two truths and build (knowledge) upon them.  ~ Thinking, if you will.

May you never stop or obstruct a human being from thinking. 


But look at how dramatically the risk of breast cancer goes up when a woman goes from one drink a day to having two drinks a day.  And then the difference between the risk of 2 drinks versus 3 drinks.  Do you see what is going on there?  It means they are understating the baseline risk of alcohol causing breast cancer!  I will assert that.  Numbers just don't rise like that without the base level risk being understated.  Again I could call that part of FORMULAIC LYING!  So to boil that aspect of Formulaic Lying into generic terms we could say, Understating the base level risk of something by stating that the risk goes up dramatically between one and two and then even more so between two and three and then even more so between three and four.  Get it?  Hiding the base level risk by declaring....It is really misrepresenting meaningful data isn't it.  How many people just drink one drink?  It puts the blame on the individual rather than you.  It is really a mechanism for shifting liability.  Oh, Christ we see that sh1t done by the Insurance Companies all the time!  By Companies that warranty their products all the time.  And look how bad it really is.  You are blaming the individual for their illness or cancer because they didn't just have one they had more than one of an addictive substance.  Addictive substances are known to require the user to have more and more in order to achieve the same desired affect.  But what I am saying here is that even if you just had only one, that would be the method that they used to understand the risk of cancer from just one.  Which would seem to me to make a liability defense of theirs based on that meaningless. Another way to put it is like this,  it is if they are saying, "A little bit of a deadly poison won't hurt you.  It isn't really a poison until you have two?"  If you believe that about something that is characterized as a poison you don't know what it means.  Can you see how the town fool got into marketing?  "A little bit of poison is known not to hurt you in any way.  Step right up.  Look at how happy the people who are using this product are in the photographs and videos!  Step right up.  It is the answer to all of your adult life problems.  In fact it is integral to you being an adult!  Step right up!  Step right up and have some.  First one is on me today.  Step right up."  If you ever worked in Corporate America, well that is exactly the kind of wealthy lowlifes you will be subjected to.  I will assert that never belonged in our Democracy.

And I don't even believe I read the Kiologram of consumption per pound of body weight with regard to those stats.  And indeed isn't that how the Statistician buries the evidence.  That is exactly what the POS is paid to do.  If our media can diminish the importance of our Constitutional Government with terms like POTUS and SCOTUS then I can use the term POS.  POTUS and SCOTOS?  Scotus almost is like Scrotum.  Can you see how a spoiled wealthy person would hate the Supreme Court, hate the checks and balances?  Those terms erode our Democracy.  And indeed they are used by the media.  So I went to High School with a kid who liked to boil terms down like that.  Call the Miller Jazz Oasis MJ.  And a litany of bullsh1t like that.  He ended up working for the media companies.  Forgot why I didn't like him other than he was a snot nosed brat.  POTUS is an acronym for President of the United States and SCOTUS is an acronym for Supreme Court of the United States.  For those who want to seem glib and smarter and diminish the importance of righteousness and authority etc... What I think of the media?  GTFOOH.

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