The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, July 21, 2018

What Percent of Jewish Women are Lesbians 07 21 2018

What Percent of Jewish Women are Lesbians  07 21 2018

As someone who has been tormented by hag-like women's voices for well over 27 years I asked myself that question in order to research it.  It didn't find the answer to it.  But what I did find was very interesting!

Homosexuality was a Capital Crime in Ancient Jewish times!  It looks like it seeped into the Jewish world through the Romans.

For those of you who don't know, A Capital Crime is punishable by death.

Why is it termed Capital Crime?  Because it was deemed detrimental to the State/City/Civilization/Society.  Because it is was detrimental it cost the State money or because it cost the state money it was also a crime.  Doesn't make much difference how you look at an integral truth?

Women that liked to rub their genitals against each other were called Mesolelots.  And the wife of a Priest was forbidden to go near them or be friends with them.

And it looks like good ole Leviticus barred lesbian behavior as it was termed to be part of the doings of Egypt.

In the Middle Ages it was recommended that a woman caught engaging in Homosexual behavior was flogged!

I really like these ancient Jews!  Where are they today?  Gone.

It would seem to me that if you wanted to make America Great again all you would have to do is adopt some of the ancient Jewish laws.  And it would likely be to the detriment of those currently calling themselves Jews.

Tell me honestly what type of female would curse the thoughts of a man and disable him in the process other than a female that wanted to be a man; aka lesbian?

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

When you look at the time frame in the above article you have to assume that the Lesbian genealogical influence to the Jewish race came from the Romans hethenizing them and making them like them?

To me you look at Roman history and it reads like the goings on of a Gay Bar and the life of the family that owns it.  It is really uplifting to read what ancient Jews had to say about things.  Moral, sound, righteous.  And I could have it all wrong.  But laws are like pillars of society in what they represent.  What would be a very interesting study would be the comparison of Jews, Egypt and Romans in terms of the above.  A history book.  And sometimes I do believe that the better races are wiped out by the pagans because the pagans are insanely jealous of them.

This is what I believe and I have the right to express it.  Despite what you hear a fickle faced television commentator say.


Also interesting and perhaps telling is that Jewish Women (women) were not considered to be full persons by Biblical Standards.

The Mesolelot would rather "jerk off" on her sisters leg than go out on a date with the man she desires?  Can anyone see why the ancient Jews attempted to correct that behavior?


I would also like to know the percent of India Indian women, Italian genetic nationality women and Asian women that are lesbians in the U.S.   I read that the English have a 20% rate of lesbians in their gene pool.  To me that would explain the Revolutionary War and the Civil War.

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