The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Cause of Yellow Teeth, Bile Teeth 09 11 2011

 The Cause of Yellow Teeth (Bile Teeth) 09 11 2011
Are yellow teeth caused by a partially obstructed gall bladder?  I believe there is a high likelihood this is the case.
How can you tell if you have an obstructed gall bladder which usually means gallstone?  Do you not seem to have as much energy out of the food you eat as you should?-whereby you mostly add pounds and fat?  There are many foods that will clog a gall bladder.  Parasite from improperly cooked food will also give one gall bladder disease.
Why do I think yellow teeth are caused by a clogged gall bladder?
1.      Because pigment of gall is yellow.
2.      And if a gallbladder is clogged that pigment will find its way into the bloodstream as it is held stuck in the liver and backs up.  The liver will still be called on to produce gall only it has no place to go but back into the bloodstream- the wrong way.
3.      Today’s modern sugar and grease diet is just the type of diet to clog a gallbladder with stones!  Why?  The gall bladder has to produce a more concentrated gall and work harder to digest these “Modern” foods.  And concentrated gall is more likely to crystalize- like a glass of salt water crystalizes on the bottom if left to evaporate.
4.      How to test for a clogged gall bladder?  Try hitting a heavy bag and if you notice you have pain under your lower right hand stomach you are likely experiencing gall stones passing (call 911).  Gallstones pass when the gallbladder is contorted in the manner of such strenuous exercise.  But mostly they do not pass and you just experience mild pain from such exercise.  This is telling you that the limiting factor with regard to energy production and utilization is in the liver!!!  This is what is keeping you unhealthy and from reaching your potential!!!
5.      If you take a gallbladder type pill and then notice your feces are more yellow and your teeth feel like they have more enamel and you have all day on the go energy, you have likely found your metabolic problem.
6.      Do you eat a lot and don’t gain weight- but are still hungry?  And if you are skinny and cold with poor circulation it is likely to be your problem too, as nutrients are not feeding your muscles because your gall is not converting food to energy.  Your activity is low and so is your circulation.  You are likely to be dull with regard to your own life and what is going on around you.  It is a viscous circle and caused by an obstructed liver at the gall bladder.
7.      Parasites, liver flukes, prior gallstones, and alcohol all make your life shorter because they are detrimental to your liver, your body’s energy conversion pump.
8.      Why would a partially clogged gallbladder make you fat? – you ask?  Because the gall is not delivered in conjunction with the food as it passes in your digestive track.  It trickles in after the food.  Overeating or gorging also prevents the gallbladder from delivering bile just like a car parked on a garden hose prevents water flowing- constrictive pressure from the billowing food in your intestine.  The food you eat is not being converted quickly in time with digestion.  (Underweight production is backed up to the bloodstream where it digests…YOU!!!

What can you take for it?
1.      Planetary Formulas- Buplerum Liver Cleanse.
2.      Peppermint Oil Caps.
3.      Alpha Lipoic Acid- repairs damaged liver.
4.      Milk Thistle- long term liver healing
5.      Rowachol- works quickly and reliably.
6.      Apple Cider before workouts.
7.      Turmeric- ant parasitic qualities
8.      Schizandra- immediate calming and relief for high acid in blood.

These are all over the counter remedies.  Follow them per label or experience.  Do not take them all at once and discontinue if bad symptoms occur.   Passing Gallstones can cause internal bleeding!!! (call 911)   In other words use your common sense if you have it.  Look around you in America at everyone and you will see that your doctor will not be of help to you concerning this.  He wants to make you a long term user of prescription drugs that are infinitely more expensive and support the lifestyle and community of wealth creation.
Anger also increases bile and when it backs up your longevity is greatly diminished.
Once your liver starts to heal and work properly again you will notice your teeth will become whiter, because there is less of this pigment in your bloodstream.  You will also notice that you will have the energy of a three year old.

It will likely reoccur quite often, but there is nothing wrong with you, it is your American diet.  The next question is, “Does bile in the bloodstream digest teeth?” That is a rhetorical question to me.
Now to get political and religious. God told us everything we need is here on earth.  The Roman soldiers speared Jesus Christ in his side.  What were they telling him as they mocked him?  We know this is the source of your problem?  How would they know this?  They all loathed Jesus Christ, so is it too far-fetched to say they poisoned him?  And where does poison take its effect the most?  The liver!!!  Did Jesus Christ know that he was poisoned when “He drank from the cup and said I know that one of you has betrayed me!!!”  Does it not seem too in coincidental that he would say that as he drank from the cup!  Did he taste the poison in the cup and that is why he knew he was betrayed???  In investigative terms 1. They loathed him so there is your motive.  2. Did they have opportunity?  Yes those who betrayed him were close to him and sat with him at the last supper.  So it is highly likely they poisoned him so that he could be taken to his death more easily.  It would also discredit him by making him look weak before the people.  (They do this today to people they don’t like too.)
My advice to you is to learn how to cook your own meals and forgo restaurants.  You will find that you will be healthier.  If I had time in my life I would share with you how to do this and cook great meals like I do.
They ridiculed Carter as having “More liver pills.”  We have a right to be angry in America and I would not trust a President who did not need liver pills.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 09 11 2011 at:

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