The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Evil of the United States 09 01 2011

The Evil of the United States 09 01 2011
I have researched the occult and witchcraft in order to find out what motivates such individuals, and I have some stories to tell with regard to what we will loosely term witchcraft.
The Chinese are said to practice witch craft and soul stealing by facilitating the ability to monitor a persons every move for twenty four hours a day.  After a long enough time of this they have stole a person’s soul.
Shamans are said to keep a lizard locked in a hot box and then poke out its eyes.  The shaman then see’s all the lizard does.
Africans are said to keep a monkey tied to a rope and tree in the hot sun for three days and then when they release it it travels straight to the water in the desert.
Haitians use the toxin from puffer fish to zombify men to become dead and rise again.  They then see through that man’s eyes.
Priest’s molesting boys?  A molester on Oprah’s show told how he saw the whole future of the woman whom he molested.
Steven James Weber attorney an attorney who lived next door to me before he gave it up and became a special education teacher told me that he knew of some lawyers who had a black box that was right 90 percent of the time with regards to investments.  That black box is also someone’s metaphorically torn out eye.
Those that do this will not tell because they are evil and likely soulless.  (maybe even have less of a capability for love and human instincts than an animal.)  And those who are victimized by this can tell all they want but will not be believed.  How credible does someone seem- who has been poisoned with puffer fish toxin.
Allan Harvey Cohen PhD told me that he played paint ball with the Pritzker family.  (Big money Jewish name.)  He said that they have a black box that is right 80% of the time with regard to investment decisions.  I remember when I worked in Chicago how there were those who would try and scare me to send me home early from a night out on the town.  Why?  They saw through my eyes and profited from it.  You can often tell someone who sees through your eyes and profits from them because they will insult you, to drive you from your mind.
All gambling odds are structured on someone’s “torn out eyeball”.  So are insurance companies.  So are the investment houses.  This is not earning a living.  This non-working class does little to benefit a country- it only gets worse when they are in power.
And what do you think that little red spot on the forehead of an Indian Woman signifies? – that third eye is not hers.  Madam rue the fortune teller lives off of someone else’s torn out eye.
And that torn out eye is also the source of the great Jewish Intellect.  It is also the source of every charlatan and psychic known.
People will die very quickly once the neglected brown flowing rivers flood and sickness follows.  There are no more commercial fishing boats based in Milwaukee.  When I was a boy we could stand twenty feet apart on the shoreline and catch salmon and trout.  Sounds like I am lying doesn’t it.
This form of government is not fair to those with the most talent because of this activity.  What would be a fair form of government?  It is not communism because people are not allowed to excel and get ahead through competition.  What is wrong with saying that what I say is true and finding ways to create fairness and equality?  If we don’t God will and you won’t like it!
All these evil don’t practice this stuff for no reason.  And when they profit the world loses- including themselves.

There I said it!  Come and get me you already have my eyes.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 09 01 2011 at:

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