The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, September 15, 2011

New Diabetes Drug or New XYZ Drug 0915 2011

New Diabetes Drug or New XYZ Drug 0915 2011
Why does all the money focus on treatment rather on prevention?
Isn’t more money wasted in this country because there is very little integrity in this country regarding prevention?
Why is there little regard for prevention?  Because treatment is an opportunity to further capitalize the health of the American Public for money.  We need to very strongly promote higher health standards.  Why?  You may not realize it but the health of your neighbor or the person you are standing or sitting next to in life can greatly affect your own health- no matter what wealth status you have achieved.  The health of a populous also directly influences the economy of a populous.
There is just no other way to look at it.  We need to get the health of the American people up to a point whereby there is very little need for any prescription drugs whatsoever.  Long term prescription drugs are an annuity stream for Doctors and Insurance companies both.  And data regarding long term side effects can never be relied upon.  For example who would believe that smoking cigarettes created the health bill to our economy it did.  Is nicotine a drug?  It’s not a food.
What we are a selling in this country is costing this country more in the long term than the economic benefit of the sale to the economy!
Somehow if all the money that went into promoting new drugs went to build professionally manage public exercise facilities wouldn’t we be in much better shape.
Also we need to be able to bypass a doctor to have inexpensive lab tests that we have familiarized ourselves with done more quickly.  This would streamline our health care system.
There should be a list on the wall of a health lab saying what tests they have available to diagnose for particular illnesses.  But the American Public is a long way away from being that well educated.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 09 15 2011 at:

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