The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, November 11, 2011

Barrack Obama has so much more class than the average black American and is Herman Cain a Republican Pimp

Barrack Obama has so much more class than the average black American, that I wonder if indeed he is not English.  Carl Rove and members of the Bush Adminstration who looked to be English like had enough mal-influence on this country in a time or turmoil that I wonder if Barrack did not come over on a boat from England during this time? And I am not claiming Rove and that admistration have class, to the contrary, I am calling them red coats.  Did her majesty send us a good one, with Barrack?
He does not move like a black American man either.  There is a slight nuance of English manners when he shakes anothers hand when leaving the podium.  He also has a very strong and righteous intelect that is truthful.  Much more stronger than the average black American male.

Wait a minute he's not English at all.  He is of Irish descent.  But wait another minute Reagan was Irish wasn't he?  There are two kinds of Irishmen.  One type of Irishmen will turn the spit when another Irishmen puts you on it and the good kind won't turn the spit when the other Irishmen puts you on it.

Okay so maybe upon personal reflection, it is the degree of Irishmen we have in us which determines whether we turn the spit or not?  No I like the good Irishmen versus bad Irishmen analogy better.

Barrack, don't turn the spit on poor black people of this country.  You have to assume that you won't be in office in 2012 right now.  Ignore who's next, roll your sleaves up and help the poor.

And by the way, if the Republicans are trying to make a subliminal comparison to Americans from Herbert Cain to Barrack Obama, don't buy it America.  Herman Cain is the exact opposite of Barrack Obama. 

Barrack Obama has a charming Irish Spirit.  Herman Cain is like a pimp!

Barrack Obama also has more class than the average white American!!!!

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 11 11 2011 at:

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