The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Wall Street Killed Our Manufacturing Sector 11 13 2011

Wall Street Killed Our Manufacturing Sector 11 13 2011

Wall Street killed our manufacturing sector!  How?  We made things in other countries where labor was cheap.  Why was labor cheap there?  Because human rights were nil.  What did Wall Street then do?  It lead the effort to make the culture in the United States one where human rights were also nil.

We can revive the manufacturing sector in the United States.  This should indeed be a world law- “You can only sell where you manufacture!”  The way we then bring back manufacturing to the United States in through a clean manufacturing economy.  That is an economy where if you work at a factory your rights are respected in terms of safety, health and life longevity factors as much as anyone else in the world!  That means the ample availability of protective safety gear.  That means workers are respected just like they are part of your family.  That means every worker learns how to do every position in the company.  That means publicly available exercise facilities.  That means zero waste or discharge into the environment.  It also means every company is part of a pact to clean environmental damage already done.  That means noise pollution must be kept down too.  It also means generous profit sharing.

I think a lot of Americans would love to work at a place like I just described.

If we do not do something like this soon, the nation will dissolve into civil unrest and possible even civil war.

We cannot just buy what is made elsewhere!  Why not?  Because what it amounts to is that we are not working in this country.  It also amounts to us not having jobs or employment in this country.  What do we have when we can just buy stuff from foreign countries cheaply?  We have a nation of debt!  Who can resist buying all that cheap stuff?  And who indeed pays for it?  We do with a mountain of debt.  Today our economy runs on the debt we have to stolen souls.

Everything you see on television runs directly opposite to what I am telling you.

There is a great sense of camaraderie achieved by men and women who work together and believe in equality.

What do you think the Occupy Wall Street movement is telling you?  People are starting to gather in groups of protest and outrage over everything that is wrong with this country- what is it a good predictor of?  Look in your history books!

Watch Obama paraphrase this one soon.

Thomas Paul Murphy

Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 11 13 2011 at:

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