The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

On Genealogy 11 23 2011

On Genealogy  11 23 2011

Now here is where I turn Arian against themselves.  That is right I am going to make Nazi’s and KK members and German superior types hate themselves. 

I remember hearing in high school biology class that kinked or curly hair only comes from black genes.

Many Italians have the dark curly hair.  But even Blond curly hair comes from black genes.  So if you are a white person and have the curly hair and think you are superior to the black race you are wrong.  You are a descendant of it!  And if German had it during the era of Nazi Germany…..?

When did the Moors concur Germany? (Look this up)

Jews who think they are superior like the Pharisees did?  You will not like this.  That curly hair is from the black gene.

Mona list also had the dark curly hair.

Now here is where it gets more interesting.  Some Dutch and those from the Netherlands and surrounding area have hair that looks straight dark hair but also looks to have a rectangular strip profile, like kinky hair even thought it lays flat.

The Moors concurred Spain and Italy in ~700 AD, so the black gene has been circulating around Europe for longer than you think.  Your red headed clown haired Irishman also has the black gene.

What am I getting at?  That white Europeans, who were really black, founded America and then went back to Africa to get slaves for themselves?  You bet I am!

I am also saying that the entire south that was pro-slavery was and is also black!

KKK members that good percentage of your members with curly hair is black themselves.  (Here is a funny scene a KKK member wants to get his blond hair straightened and the only place he can find to do it is a black woman’s barbershop!)  So are any Italian KKK members as well as any dark olive skinned Spanish members.  If they are English with curly hair they are also black.

George Bush and his father were likely black.  My brother in law and my nephew both who have curly hair and have classic German Arian looks are also black.  All of China and the Mongolian race are black.  (I find it very insightful that China has taken a strong stance against religion.  If they want to take an even stronger stance against religion they would take a stance against the label of schizophrenic.)

What do these whites have a hidden propensity to do?  Hate other white people and blacks?  That hate blacks more though, because they themselves are black and don’t want to admit it. That is right, the most racist Klan members are black themselves!

And what was the black religion?  It was Vondun or Voodoo!  It goes back 6000 years.  It is the religion of worshipping a half man half woman God!  What does that mean?  It means it is the religion of worshipping emasculated men!  What does that mean?  They key tenet of Voodoo is to use poison to make zombies of men!

What was the likely cause of WWII?  You’ll remember that psychiatry was a prevalent issue in history at the time of WWII!

What are your German pharmaceutical companies really?  They are practitioners of Voodoo!  Who practices Voodoo?  The soulless do!  There is no such thing as a disease called schizophrenia!  It is an attack on human beings by the soulless.  It is the greatest crime in the history of the world!

Most of the world has the soulless gene.   Most of the world also practices Voodoo against the blessed ones!

And who are the blessed ones?  People who have their own soul from any particular race!

You might accuse me of being a racist.  But if I am pointing out the most evil act of racism in the history of the world I am not a racist am I!

Schizophrenics are all likely descendants of Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ was immaculately conceived and therefore also had the power to immaculately conceive.  Because he had this….if he had the power he likely used it whether he knew it or not!  And whoever was immaculately conceived by him also had this power!

Those who have this power have their own souls and are labeled schizophrenic!  It means split mind!  That split mind is shared unwillingly by the person with schizophrenia by those of the satanic race.  Schizophrenics are hounded for their human soul!

What I believe has a strong correlation to the Satanic gene also made its way through Europe, long before the Moors did, the Mongols swept through Europe too.

Most people that you see on television are satanic.  That means they share the soul of a schizophrenic!  It doesn’t belong to them!!!  If the nature of yourself does not belong to you, what do you care about the future of others?

The greatest from of racism in the world is the persecution of those who have the human soul- the schizophrenic!

When you mix Voodoo with the occult you get the most evil world there has ever been!

And this is indeed why the world will end very soon!  It is because of the shameful secret of the Satanic!

There hidden shame and hidden persecution of others has created neglect in the world that has lead to an imbalance that will likely destroy the world.

God created man in his image.  Jesus Christ, a Jew, was the best man ever because he was truly good and truly righteous.  What has happened?  The underworld of Voodoo and the occult has persecuted the image of God!  This is indeed straying too far from the image of God!  And God will indeed now, very soon destroy the world!

Global warming has come upon us rather quickly.  It has resulted from over use of fossil fuels and our satanic quest for oil.  There is going to be cataclysmic change because of it!

But this is what you don’t know!  God can stop it!  And he will stop it if the Satanic admits to the world what they have done!  Why?  Because if the Satanic admit it, it means they have shown themselves to be good as is the image of God.

There are no two ways about it!  Admit and repent or face cataclysmic destruction very soon indeed!

You are better off admitting it and repenting than not!  Why?  Because once it starts it will happen very quickly and your soul might be saved if you admit and repent.  Otherwise there is absolutely no chance of it happening!

Could you imagine that?  One race that bites off live testicles meets another that worships half man half women zombies?  If that wasn’t the poetic justice of God I don’t know what is! It looks like the Europeans won otherwise they would all be black.  But the Italian face appears to look a little bleach washed from the integration process.  Or maybe we could call it shock washed!  What does the Moor say to the Italian woman with the shock white washed face?   “Give Lucy a hat she is my wife now.”

Over a period of 50 years this satanic force in America has rapidly killed via psychiatry.  The image of God has lost and what passes for humanity today will be destroyed.  There is far too little of the human spirit to go around because of this.

What was the conquest of the new world really about?  It is like the newly tanned Spanish/Moors saying, “Okay I am glad that is over.  Where did they come from?  Let’s go get us some and do this up right in the new world!”

And then the shock white Italians look at each other and say, “What do we call ourselves?”

“We’ll call ourselves Christianities!”

And then the answer to why Christianity spread to the new world so fast was the Queen saying, “Okay you practice that elsewhere!”

The joining of the Caligula race and the Zombify a person into a half man half woman race seems to explain the ingrained behavior of Catholic Priests.

The Moors meeting the Romans was indeed the revenge form Jesus Christ from above!

Admit that you are Satan!  Say these words in public, “I admit that I am Satan and will repent!”

There is hope for you if you buy one of my T-Shirts or other artwork.  My T-Shirts are available in a diversity of colors at:

Note to self, put paddle and life vest in Kayak for storage over winter in case I need to get in it real quick and escape a world wide flood.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published at:

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