The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Our Military has no business being in any foreign country in the world

Our military has no business being in any foreign country in the world!
If you were in the military and came across a village of backward people that had a bright and intelligent American captive and were torturing him, what would you do?

There is a high likelihood that they will also either take you prisoner or kill you.  Because they would not want you to escape and tell your story of them to the rest of the world.

They have captured a human being and have him drugged so that he does not look very smart.  The first thing they will tell you is that he had tried to harm them.  The next thing you know you are drugged and held captive by them.  What would your feeling be towards them then?  Would you justify killing them for your freedom?  The law of their country is in their favor and you cannot harm them even though they can harm you and debilitate you. 

Like a cat trains its young by playing with a mouse they are torturing that American so that their young can learn from observing him.  He has never done anything wrong in his life and yet they have him captive.  As they beat, hurt and abuse him they are chanting that he is a racist!

 If you claimed that this group of people were of a different race based solely on their actions you would be called a racist, and accused of hate speech and that could be a crime?

Those of you who know anything about me know exactly what I am talking about.  There is no disease such as Schizophrenia, what you see in people is the symptoms of this mental form of torture that is done to them by other “human beings” of what can only term a lessor race. Why?  What other kind of race would do this to someone?

Now what would you say if I told you this race of torturing people came to power in a country and made all the decision for that country and its people?  Would you want such a race governing you?  You might not mind them living next door to you until it is too late!

What am I proposing?  That we recognize that those who are labeled schizophrenics should not be labeled anything at all other than human beings.  Because that is indeed what they are and they are not the sick ones in this world.  If a schizophrenic were absent from their persecutors they would become quite healthy.  But that is just my point; those who persecute people and label them schizophrenic depend upon their minds.  That is why the schizophrenic hears those voices.  Because their minds have been stolen and in order for the thieves to keep their minds they have to prevent the schizophrenic from thinking for himself/herself.  This is a different race of people who would do this to someone to get ahead in this world and they have gotten very far ahead to the detriment of the rest of us and their future too.

Now you are not allowed to claim that I am a racist or that this is hate speech when I describe what I believe this race to be.  Why because the biggest racists in the world are those who hold schizophrenics captive and do not want the world to know what they truly are.

I have a feeling that the Mongolian race that concurred Rome has a different minded genotype but I cannot prove it. I believe that the trait to steal a person’s mind and hold them captive runs in every race on the planet earth.  I know for a fact that some Irish, English, Dutch, Spanish, Chinese, German, Italian, Russian’s have this trait.

My point is this.  The world has gotten very advanced and we are very far along.  Do we really want to have the world to be continued to be ruled by those who are dependent minded and take people’s minds captive in order to maintain money and power?  What it amounts to is the irresponsible ruling by holding the minds of the intelligent and responsible captive.

Think long and hard and let’s make a peaceful transition to true freedom!

Jesus Christ was indeed the King of the Jews and he had what they would call Schizophrenia!  How do I know he was the King of the Jews?  Because they would not have come to him for advice if he was not their king!  How do I know Jesus Christ that, a Jew, had schizophrenia?  Because that is the reason people steal the minds of those labeled schizohprenics- because having another person’s mind is the greatest way to get advice in life, not to mention skill sets that you haven’t earned.  How else do I know that Jesus Christ had Schizophrenia?  Because he was the first to give those who afflict people with schizophrenia a label or name themselves.  What was that label?  SATAN!  Satan and the schizophrenic are indeed counterparts in this world.  The world knows all about the schizophrenic but we have never studied the satanic!   The Satanic are never studied as they hide their identity from society by making victims of their victims.  Or criminals of those they have already victimized for their souls.  Who is Satan?  Just about everyone other than the person who is being victimized and labeled schizophrenic!  If there are so many of you why won’t you admit it!  You have us outnumbered 100 to 1.  Those sound like good odds that you will still prevail even if you admit that you are of dependent mind to us.

All of the evil in the world stems from this well-disguised secret.

Come on people let’s make that peaceful transition to reality!  I cannot do it alone although I will try.  I am not a racist, and I would indeed stick up for any human being that was targeted to harassed, unjustly held prisoner, put on zombie medicine, targeted for genocide, picked on because they were viewed as stupid, etc.  You get the point, I believe in fairness and equality even though I see that there is no equality because of this hidden truth.  I believe in the rights of those who would commit this crime against people.  And I also believe that if it is recognized that they do commit this crime against people that they would be dissuaded from committing this crime against people.  And once they no longer harmed people and stole souls they would feel better about themselves.  Once the world recognized that they had dependent minds they would not feel stigmatized and seek to unjustly and falsely stigmatize those whose minds they have stolen. 

I have no hidden agenda.  I just wanted to live the American life, find a wife, earn the money to buy a nice house and more, and raise children who were good just like me!  It did not happen because the 100 to 1 people are living my life and they do so irresponsibly and in criminality to the rest of the world.

To complete the story, our military has no business being in foreign countries whatsoever.  The United States should have absolutely no foreign presence!  Why?  Because Americans are held captive in the United States already, and it runs contrary to every right and law this country was founded upon!  If you have this affliction you need to believe in yourself more than you know and stand against the rest of the world with me to recognize that it is a great crime and should be recognized as being so and stopped!

Thomas Paul Murphy

Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

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