The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Sons of the Evil Woman CODE 11 21 2011

The sons of the evil woman code.
I overheard two women speaking to each other at a coffee shop.

“It doesn’t matter what type of many you marry.”  The one woman said with a deep tone in her voice, suggesting she had been around the marriage block a few times.

“As long as he has a lot of money,” replied the other.

“He should be willing to molest little boys for you!” said the first who had grotesquely Botox injected lips and wore a coat of brown fur with black accents.

Both had round faces.  Their eyes looked airy- as if they were far away or disassociated form their human spirit.  Their voices sound like that of spoiled children.  And they both wore expensive looking clothing.

There is something odd about people like this in our society.  They indeed do not see everyone as human beings.  Some people they view as objects that can be converted into money as they are destroyed. We need to expose them for what they are.

This is the story of their adult life cycle.  “Now that he has bought her a son he has to buy a man to raise her for him.  In order to make her happy he has to then give her a beautiful mind so she feels like she is happy.  What does the son then become like when he gets old enough to be a man?  Just like his mother.  And then what does the mother say next? ‘It all has to be someone else’s fault!’”

These are high maintenance people!  Why?  Because they have never known love!  Doesn’t that sound like the American Economy today- an economy that caters to the high maintenance people?

Why doesn’t she just marry a good man in the first place?  Because she loathes them!  Why?  Because she cannot be one!

Thomas Paul Murphy

Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 11 21 2011 at:

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