The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Real Story of Jesus Christ

The Real Story of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ said to live between -6 AD 34 AD

Caligula Roman Empower   1 AD 50 AD

Jesus was from Judea.

Judea annexed by Rome -6 A.D.

Judea was a Roman Province in 6 AD.

The Romans were the ones who crucified.

The Romans were also known to make unics and castrates so that their women could have companions.   How do the Romans castrate men today?  The main effect of some antipsychotic medicines is the increase in female hormones or prostaglandins in men.

Jesus Christ was sold to the (Romans) for 30 bars of Silver.  Why would someone buy someone, just to kill them?  When you pay money for someone you are usually taking them for a slave.  Who is it that felt she had a connection to Jesus Christ?

Pontius Pilots wife said that she had a terrible dream of Jesus Christ.

So a Caligula type chewed off the balls of Jesus Christ while he was on the cross.  And they left him up on the cross until he was good and docile.  Then they let him down to be the personal cunnilingus servant to Pontius Pilots wife Procula?  This is indeed the sick desire of many women isn’t it?  Not only that, Procula also had a person that could do her thinking for her.  What likely happened in the satanic ritual of crucifixion?  The person being crucified was heard weeping and moaning in pain on the cross until the fur ears that were listening heard the thinking of the person being tortured.  Without testicles men lose their testosterone and often become docile and weak.  They often then think on the same level of women.  Women lack the level of testosterone that men do and once the hormone is evened out between them, the woman has a person to think for her.  She has created a mental slave. 

It appears that this is indeed the horrific underlying basis of all Christianity in the world.  Why else did we see Catholic priests molesting boy’s on a broad scale.  I already told you how we could prove that schizophrenia is not a disease of the schizophrenic it is symbolic of the Satanic that are with the schizophrenic.  For every schizophrenic that there is there are likely a group of Satanic that are dependent upon that mind.  Does it make sense to you that the people who are responsible for making all the decisions for the rest of us in this world do not even think for themselves?  They call upon the minds of those they have demonized and labeled schizophrenic.

They never found the body of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ had his balls chewed off by Caligula and was made a personal servant to Procula.

One has to admit that that is an entirely different race that would allow someone to torture someone else in that fashion.  Jesus Christ had a name for those who were soulless or zombielike, he called them Satan!

Satan is all around us today.  How is Satan created?  Satan is created in horror!  It can even be said that Satan is a person that was never really created at all.  Why?  Because Satan never formed his own soul! Satan is a person without a soul!  Satan was never made to try in frustration. Satan just latched onto someone else’s mind and that is Satan’s whole life.  Satan is often a person that came from money and all his/her parenting needs were met with money instead of interaction with parents.  Satan’s parents in life are those whose minds are demonized by the Satanic, and they are labeled Schizophrenics.  The label of Schizophrenic is the way that Satan has hid his existence in the world today.  Satan’s counterpart in modern life are people that are stigmatized with the label Schizophrenia.  If you can stop to think about it long enough when Satan is not bothering you, you feel very sorry for Satan for what it is.

Communism was probably a result of not knowing what to do with people who fit the archetype of Satan.  Satan abounds in the United States and because of this the current governmental structure does not fit the needs of both Satan and the people of this country who were not Satan.  Satan has come in power in the United States and because this is true everything about the people of this country is neglected.

Not all who can be termed Satanic are bad.  Some just here the thoughts of others are good helping people.  But by and large the satanic torment those they label schizophrenic so that their souls are thin and they are no longer able to think clearly for themselves.  The Satanic get away with their crime because once they have stolen a mind from someone that person does not have the capacity to say what was done to them.  Satan reinforces his theft of soul and keeps himself hidden by harassing the people whom they have stolen a soul from so that they do not like themselves.  Satan’s goal is to get a person to give up on life and thinking and go on Zombie medicine.  That way Satan has stolen a soul.  Satan is the priest at the local church.  Satan is the neighbor who does not have the personal experience to possess the specific knowledge of the skills that you possess. 

Israel knows that this is true and because of this it has broken its covenant with God!  Why does the United States need to protect Israel?  If Israeli and the Jews were indeed a step above the rest of us and favored by God then God would protect Israel.  I believe God protects those who maintain the precepts of Jesus Christ, a Jew.  If you reference the Bible you see that God was steaming mad at the Jews many times.  Indeed God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of the sin of Luxuria!  Why?  Because Sodom influence to women makes the offspring of satanic mind!  Why because of a genetic insult introduced into the metabolism of the female both while pregnant and before, bacteria from the colon insulting fetal development.  And over time the genetic insult likely created a race of people that lacked a soul entirely.  For example if a person with a soul married a person without a soul they would likely be incompatible.  So a soulless person could only marry another soulless person.  And if a person with a soul married another person with a soul the satanic who were dependent upon those souls would seek to ruin their lives.

I do not know the complete life cycles of the satanic but you would think that at some point in their lives they would seek to wean themselves off of the soul that raised them.  The horror is that the only way they know how to do this is to medicate the person so that they are a zombie or kill them.

The Haitian religion is one of Voodoo.  That is the practice of zombifying men with poison that kills their brain activity.  The Moors were blacks and they concurred the Romans.  Were the Moors also practitioners of Voodoo I have to ask? And is Voodoo the hidden undercurrent of Christianity?   You cannot say that what the Catholic priests did to boys around the world is not a plain and overt practice of the Satanic.

The Satanic are indeed the race of women that is mentioned by both the Irish and the Romans.  Why?  Men do not raise soulless children!  A man would never stand for the likes of Caligula or the Roman Catholic Priests of horror existing in this world.  Men would abhor all of this, just as I do.

What would Jesus Christ say at the last supper?  What was the significance of his words; This is the cup of my blood, drink from it.  He was saying we are better than the Romans.  We know not to drink the blood of other people.  I want you to all drink wine instead of the blood from people. (Like Caligula, a satanic Emperor of Rome who would chew off a man’s testicles while he was restrained.)  And if Caligula was a satanic emperor of Rome then they all likely were as are many Italians today.

Oh sure you will say that Rome did not concur Judea until 63 BC.  Which would be about 30 years after the purported death of Jesus Christ.  But the United States outsourced its torture to Egypt didn’t it?  That fact of 63 bc is not accurate. It is indeed the date listed above.  Isn’t it funny how for some reason we have to have confusing accuracy in the measurement of historical data.  It is obfuscating the general public from making connections between events.  History has been written with the hand of Satan.  How do you know this is true?  Just look at all the cover up’s concerning torture and Egypt that have been exposed.  What happens in the meantime before the truth is introduced to us?  The permanent ink is already drying in the history books.

There is an interesting song the three men are singing in the Monty Python movie. “We all walk the wiggly wobbly walk; we all talk the wiggly wobbly talk.”  Wiggly wobbly that is something a man might do when he is nailed to a cross and Caligula has come for his meal of live testicles.

Doesn’t it seem like no one in the United States stands up for what is truly right?  It is like all the issues that are newsworthy stem from a deeper “underlying” cause!  As if the issues we face, we should not have to face at because things should not be that way! 

Satan is termed a soulless person.  What would be a soulless person’s main limitation?  He would not be able to compete with someone who has a soul in this world.  So what would a soulless person have to resort to?  Organized Crime.  And who are the organized crimes in our country? The mafia was formed with the handshake of an Italian and a Jew in this country.  We also have black crime organizations and Irish ones too I have heard.  And I would like to think that there are not Irish who are Satanic but I know that just the opposite is very true!  I am Irish and what these people represent to the Irish name makes me want to cry.  Many of the Irish that I have known to be Satanic have Mongoloid like features.  These features include beady mean looking eyes.  The mean eyes look kind of pig like.  You know that you are around a satanic person because they are always trying to get their tusks into your soul.  They like to get their tusks in there and root around.  And that is indeed what schizophrenics main complaint is in life and why they are labeled mentally ill.  They indeed have the satanic rooting around in their souls.  Can I prove it? Oh yes I can and so can everyone else who is labeled Schizophrenic.  It is very simple the person labeled Schizophrenic gets to pick out those who have been mean to them in their lives and have rooted around in their souls and do the brain test that I have mentioned.  I do not accuse without the ability to prove.  Of course the Satanic are probably working on ways to defeat such a test.  That is very good that they are because once they defeat the test they will have learned not to be satanic anymore.  And I they took a foreign substance before they took the test the blood scan will reveal what it is and they can take that the rest of their lives.  Of course they could just publicly admit what they are and save the world all the trouble of proving it.  The Satanic have the ability to save the world!  All they have to do is admit what they are on a world scale and that they intend to repent and change.  The Satanic used to threaten to skin a man if he did not denounce his faith in Jesus Christ.  Why did they want people to do this?  Because Jesus Christ was the enemy of the Satanic.  Jesus Christ was the greatest enemy the Satanic ever had.  The Satanic have no one in the world today that has declared themselves their enemy as I have.  Kennedy was indeed an enemy of the Satanic and that is why he was assassinated.  The Satanic can demonically possess people to commit great crimes.  They do this by stripping them of the memories of their souls and then controlling them afterwards.

Round pale faces with a distinction under the eyes that looks like a sagging white mask of abject hatred.  I do not believe being Satanic is gene specific although it is likely to occur in more groups than others?  There has never been a study of the Satanic.  What we usually end up studying in this world are the victims of the Satanic.  I got a clue for you, when you study the victims of the Satanic you fail to study the Satanic.

Can we term Caligula a Semite (Root word from semen, which is produced in the testicles) because he liked to chew live balls off?  Could you imagine if you were a Jew that came under the Rule of an empire like this?  What would you say and do to avoid persecution like Jesus Christ was?  You would say this, “I am a Semite.”  For if you did not say you were you were likely to get your balls chewed off too by the race of women ‘men.’  What Jew can argue with that?  Were some Jews forced to become Satanic or face persecution?  This is likely true.  There is a lot of truth to the saying, “When in Rome do like the Romans.”  Is that why every Jew started saying, “I am a Semite?”

Our God is a God who liked to create things.  They often like to say that Satan was a God too, but he was not.  Why?  Because Satan does not create he steals and plagiarizes instead.

This world makes me want to puke.  And there is a reason my Italian History professor, with a swine like face, f*!$#@$ hated me and wanted to flunk me!  As is customary I will not mention his name in this first reference article but likely will end up mentioning it sometime later on.

This is no conspiracy theory, it is the hidden truth!  Someday I should write about the  Mussolini alliance with Germany in WWII, the influx of immigrants who had eye disease from Italy to American after the blindness and death of Davinci and how we have accommodated to the Satanic to the jeopardy of freedom and everything we stood for and against.  I mean come on, The Mona Lisa smile, there is not a doubt in my mind Davinci (sp?) had schizophrenia or a split mind.  There will never be another great person like Davinci ever, why not?  The Satanic have found modern ways to torture the demonized mind so that it can not create or claim rights to its work!  Get it?

If more people like me know and tell your secret it won’t be a secret anymore.  I can guarantee you that if you keep it a secret it will be the end of the world!!!  So fess up!

Thomas Paul Murphy

Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 11 22 2011at:

My next article will be why we are all Semites, I have it on the Dictaphone and just need to find the file and type it.  But I won’t do it unless just one person say’s that I should.   It only takes just one person to say they want to read it and I will write it.  Just one person.

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