The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Monday, November 21, 2011

Psychological Profile of a Satanic Werewolf

Psychological Profile of Satanic Werewolf
….of the woman who lured a man from Phoenix Arizona to her apartment for a sexual encounter.  She restrained him and stabbed him over 300 times. 
What created such an individual?  We cannot say that she was born that way because if she was it would have become apparent in Kindergarten or Grade School.  I mean if she thought she was a wolf at that age, she would have been seen howling all over the place.

I have no doubt that our genetic matter does contain trace elements of animal DNA in it.  As this is the case then it is also true that- that DNA can be revitalized or possessed by lower world animal type spirits.  So what keeps a human being from becoming like (   ).  Good human beings are only created if there is a higher spirit present that curbs their behavior through their formative years.  In its simplest form it is a parent telling a child not to do something and the child respecting the parent.  Other forms include the child making mistakes and learning from the pain they caused themselves.  But what of this girl, she does not fit either one of those patterns or she would not be what she is.  So what can be said of her parents or the people that raised her?  It can only be said that they did not respect the rights of other human beings.  Because if they did they would have instilled these rights in this girl or she would have at least learned what not to do on her own.  But that did not occur.  What does that mean?  It means that in some way her animal like behavior was fostered by others.  These types of people, I believe are also created by parents that are very wealthy and neglect their children. The view being they should feel that they can do what they want to get ahead in life.  In effect they sacrifice the tradition of humanity for money.  Children raised by parents like this were not raised at all.  What they saw as parent role models reinforced this type of behavior in them.
A love of wolves is a transmorphic body image projected on someone by our popular culture? What do I see when I look at her picture in the local paper.  I see an abject void of emotion.  I see as mask of toughness that she has worn in life to protect her from insult.  I see a desire for men that mocks their existence in hatred.  I see a feral angle from her eyes to the camera that took the picture.  I see a head that is poised also at angle of a feral beast that is approaching its prey; head turned slightly from a body that is quartering toward you.  As if to show its prey that it has great strength in body behind its rendering teeth.

Was she raised by parents that took no interest in her whatsoever?  Was she raised by parents who incestuously raped and abused her like she was a member of a wolf pack?  Incest is far more common than you might think with these types.
What was not instilled in this child or young adult was the respect for the rights of other people.  Indeed other people are viewed as prey by her.

Are there more to her wolf pack?  I see many odd people like this in Milwaukee every day.  My father could never stand to watch science fiction show’s because of the grotesque imagery of the human body.  He couldn’t explain why he didn’t, but to him it seemed to be against religion.  I also remember when I was a boy and there as a scary scene in a horror movie that we knew was coming up, he would walk out of the room because he could not stand to watch it.  I too felt the same fear and suspense as I watched, but wanted to say I saw the whole show, so I closed my eyes at times.
If children are not raised to be told right from wrong what do they become as adults?  Well can it be said that the animal nature in their genes is more expressed than the human nature?  Can it be said that if many families dis-evolved to this type of behavior, that what we would consider the father figure of a man was no longer present in a grouping of people?  I mean, a man did not raise this daughter or daughters that are just like her.  And I mean even if there was a male in her household.  So what did raise her?  And furthermore who does she seek out in life after she leaves the home?  The same type of male figure that was not a fatherly figure?  What then becomes of people like this?  They form what can only be described as a Satanic race.  One way to think of Satan is that it does not have its own soul, that is, one of a human being.  Some satanic are dependent on the souls of others.  Some satanic live the lives of thieves and become quite wealthy doing so.  To go to heaven also means that you have the possibility to come back and be reborn again.  But Jesus knew that this is why the rich do not come back.  Being wealthy in America has not become a task of developing skill and talent; today it is the domain of the Satanic.  To become wealthy instead means to be very duplicitous.  That means to have two sides to you.  One that does anything for money and the other that projects the identity of a saint to the public.  Satan also has two sides to it in duplicitousness, and what makes Satan so successful is that one of its sides, its good side, is not even its own.  That is how Satan has survived and hidden its existence; its good side belongs to someone else.  Someone whose soul was fragmented for it.  Satan is purely bad because it has no good side of its own.  And the odd thing is that when the person who embodies the good side of Satan is not present and accounted for, Satan trembles in fear and anxiety.  Satan is indeed the one with the true split or schizophrenic mind in this world, because of this very instance of logical proof.  But Satan would love for the world to believe that the one’s it demonized are indeed the true anomalies in our society.  Satan has only half a mind! The other half of Satan’s mind is dependent on whether the physical embodiment of the person whom the group or wolf pack of satanic is dependent upon, is present and accounted for in the spirit. This is the case for the simple reason that when the ones Satanic have demonized in order to steal and hear their thoughts and un-invitedly share the soul of- when these people are not present and accounted for, Satan becomes extremely fearful.  So what does Satan seek to do to the half of its mind, the good half, that is not the important ‘money taking’ half?  Satan seeks to dull that mind so that it is a remote type consciousness and it does not have to feel worry for it.  Satan indeed gets through life by piggy backing from good soul to the next good soul and destroying them.   Satan never has the good soul itself.  For to Satan, a good soul is something that is contrary to its existence.  To Satan, the bad souls will always rule the world so therefore it needs to stay bad itself, in order to counter the other bad souls in the world and compete or survive amongst them.  Therefore Satan has very little faith in humanity.  And because Satan has very little faith in humanity it has very little vision for the future of humanity.  With very little vision for a future of humanity Satan just takes and cares for itself and cares not for the greater needs of society.  The motto of Satan is therefore, cut taxes so I have to give little to support others.  For to Satan everyone is just as bad as himself/herself.  Satan has to believe in the evil nature of human beings or it could not justify what it does to others.  And Satan believes in the evil nature of others because without having a good nature itself it does not have the basis for belief in good.  More likely than not Satan and the satanic never learned what love is.  To Satan ‘Love’ was just a tool used by others to hurt it.  Satan believes that Love is a mask used to hurt and render it.  Satan was hurt by the mask of love and also wears a false mask of love to take what it needs in life in order to fulfill whatever desire or instinct of survival it has.

The odd thing about this young woman is that her facial features could be described by someone, who was casting for parts in a television show or movie industry; as being somewhat feral looking. 
Okay so you look like a hairy dog, does that mean that you act like one?  Just because you are not the popular blonde girl all through school does that mean that you should allow yourself to become less than the human standard?  Just because you have been insulted for things you cannot change does that mean that you should allow your physical manifestation to infuse your human soul?  If you compare yourself to someone else unfavorably, do you dwell on that unfavorable comparison, as if it is what defines you the most?  If so you have been demonized.

Have you believed all the insults that were cast upon you; until all you dwell on are things that you cannot change?  If so you have been demonized. 
Do you then resent others who were not raised via neglect like you were?  Do you, who have lost your soul, then believe that you and your pack can hunt and take souls for yourself?  It has to be true for you right? => “He has a soul and that is the reason that I do not!”  So I will bare my teeth and take it from him!  You who are like this, and you know who you are, can never be the good person; the person that you hurt.  And it is with great deception that you have led the rest of the world to believe in you!  You are not even yourselves; you wear the mask of the souls that you have stolen!  That is why your deception has been so believable.  You have stolen the metaphysical embodiment of good people in order to protect the world from knowing that you are truly evil.  And in doing so you have negated all of the good in this world.  What happened to all the good in this world?  Satan hang’s the proverbial faces it slaughtered off with its claws, on hooks just like the normal person does a hat when he enters his house.  Satan puts them on when he is in public again.

And here is where Satan’s great deception continues.  After a certain amount of time of learning from the good soul, Satan come’s to resent the good soul because it contradicts its belief in itself. (This is the theme of the movie “Drop Dead Fred”)  To Satan if that person is ever allowed to wear the face of its own experience and accomplishments Satan cannot be happy with itself.  And when Satan cannot wear that mask all that you have is the emptiness that is Satan.  The emptiness that was never developed into a human being through personal development and learning experience.  So what does Satan do?  It goes on the hunt to take that mask back for itself.  Because what is the true source of its happiness in life is not even itself!  The source of Satan’s true happiness are the stolen souls they were raised on.  But Satan would also deny this.
So when Satan becomes a parent what are the happiest moments in it’s your life?  When it steal’s the soul of another, like its parents did for it when you were young!  Just as the mother wolf becomes happy when she can show her young how to render animals for survival, you Satan become’ s ecstatic when it can participate in the soul theft of a human being with its children or grandchildren.  It is just easier for it to do this than face the reality of its own existence of emptiness.

And what does Satan become in life?  It becomes something that has been so accustomed to sharing in the daily life of another human being that it learns how to become disembodied from its soul and possess others in this world.  Now sometimes it gives them great strength and endurance.  Sometimes it destroys them through possession.  But we can tell what Satan really is during the workweek because if it cannot bar the person who embodies its stolen soul mask from enjoying its own soul- they are nothing!!  That is right nothing.  So if satanic are really nothing how can they truly be more than nothing even if they have a stolen soul?  And that is what I am claiming that they are.  Even though Satan has a stolen soul during its working hours; it contributes very little in our society.  Once again Satan wears the mask of someone who can contribute as it indeed takes from society.  (The theme of the Cinderella Story)   Because it can be one with the person whom you stole the soul from it believes itself to be a God.  In reality they are always the delusion of themselves that they created from stealing the soul of another.  If the Satanic were truly God’s they would not need to deny the person whom they stole the soul from, from always having it themselves.  But Satan would do everything to maintain its self-delusion.  It even believes that the person whose soul it stole needs them!
They don’t need you Satan, as I have proved; it is you who needs them!  Do you know what the person whom you stole the soul of needs?  They either need your complete absence in their lives or your physical presence in love, friendship, respect, etc.  In other words they need you to be true to them and yourselves or otherwise void yourself from their existence and awareness of you!

Satan, that person whom you stole the soul from learned his skills and life’s experience from watching those, who loved them, work.  You did not learn through love.  Because you did not learn through love, all your actions in life project that in your work and on the world.

The question in my mind is, “What type of parental spirit creates such an individual?”  Who creates someone that wants to be a wolf instead of a good, happy and loving human being?
Let your true soul shine through in clarity, in brief moments of freedom.

Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 11 12 2011 at:

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