The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, February 5, 2012

On Howie Mandel 02 05 2012

On Howie Mandel 02 05 2012

Every one of Howie Mandel’s shows seems to have the same theme.  He creates a tense situation and sits back and watches ordinary people try and navigate their way through it.  I am not sure what he is trying to accomplish?  Some kind of breakthrough type of psychology moment? 
I would like to ask Howie the question, “What kind of tense situations have you lived through in your life and not come to a complete recover from?”  And is this why you enjoy seeing people put in tense situations?  Do you believe that making a parody out of the problems of our modern life really helps to resolve them?  If you did believe this you would also be an impetus for change with regard to the issues that you bring up.  Also if you had a breakthrough moment in your life where a tense situation was somehow quickly resolved and everyone was happy I would like to know what that was?  Your programs do not represent reality in the way problems are solved.  In the real world the problems persist and there is no surprise moment where everything is then better and happy and laughing.  Okay so I just was able to understand you, you would like to believe that problems could be miraculously resolved.  That is what you dream of.  I dream of a world where problems could be miraculously prevented.  Which is the true solution based approach?
By the way the whole Star Wars parody of the no band looked to be very fake.  Every time I watch one of these programs of yours I have to ask myself, “What would he do if that poor person had a heart attack and die from the fear and shock of the tense situation you put them in?”  And then I get to the start of this article again and ask myself, “What type of person likes to see others experience this and why?”   What type of person likes to create so much anxiety in the world?   Howie maybe you could solve more of the world problems if you told the world why you are the way you are?
Thomas Paul Murphy
Copyright 2012 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 02 05 2012 at:

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