The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

A United States Citizen living in the U.S. should never pay rent that ends up in Foreign Pockets 02 05 2019

A United States Citizen living in the U.S. should never pay rent that ends up in Foreign Pockets 02 05 2019

Now you can hem and haw and tell me unsupported legal precedents as to why it is that way, but I assert what is true and how this needs to be.  I mean NEVER!

You should never pay a foreigner rent to live in the United States?  You don't seem to understand what I am saying just as you claimed to never be able to understand anything I ever said to you.  So all I can is, "I hold this truth to be self evident!"

What does it mean?  It means you can never have foreign banks lending to mortgages in the United States! It means that you can't have any Foreign Banks in the United States!

It needs to happen today!  We might need to create Constitutional amendments for truths that should have been self evident to you?  Is that really the solution or is the solution really that things that should be self evident to you are not?

I haven't created a Petition in a very long time.  But I might create one with regard to this.

I can hear Donald Trump from the Real Estate sector whining and maligning the idea just like he does everything else.

Doesn't seem to understand why that truth is self evident.

So what else does it mean?

It means that if you want to own any land or property in the United States you have to live here!  Get it?  Because it can be deemed that if you own land here your purpose for doing so is renting it to make money on it or depreciating it in some way because you are not living here.

Oh to bad big United States business men won't be able to be wood by Chines Prostitutes anymore!


Look at the Fox Conn deal?  What does it amount to?  It amounts to a scorched earth policy by a United States Governor!  What is a scorched earth policy?  It is when your enemy leaves they burn your city to the ground.  It is like the kid who looses at checkers and throws the pieces all over the room.  The article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel this morning quoting experts says the deal made no sense at all.  That it was "very unusual."  Fox con management even stated they will never make television screens in the U.S. because it costs too much!  You actually believe the Chinese are going to waiver on that statement?  If you know anything about business you know that once statements like that come out they are like a "tell."  I don't like to demean Scott Walker too much.  But you have to ask the question was it an intentional screw up or non intentional?  So he didn't graduate from college you would give him the benefit of the doubt and say it was a non intentional screw up?  I mean sure he had to visit England didn't he.  Let's see if I can form an analogy to it.  A wine family in Rome has a homosexual son that they don't know what to do with?  So they build a hall in the city and have him market wine there.  They tell the people that he is the father to all there....And that is exactly what I think is wrong with the United States today.  How much money is the State of Wisconsin really out?  And before we put in the bricks and mortar...I guess the point is why not fire up the abandoned Motorola Campus across the border?  Is your goal really to create an educated workforce?  You can't do that with legalized drugs.  You'll have a covfefe in Academia giving college exam answers to members of that covfefe attending the University.  Yeah, you better believe I am asserting that is already happening to the detriment of Wisconsin.

In summary no money should be made by foreign companies on United States Property.  Why?  Because they have lesser forms of Government it degrades our form of Government.  Because that money is transferred from the United States it creates a Damocles sword to the value of the United States dollar in terms of the debt that is issued to create that funny money.  So when Donald Trump mentions the term Globalists he doesn't know what he is talking about!  He is one!  He can't even look in the mirror and see what he really is!

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

So you say the reason is that U.S. Banks wouldn't lend to United States Citizens?  That is a problem that should have been addressed a very long time ago!  Like a Century ago!

I know how the weak minded make contracts with criminal organizations.  "You just do this for me at this price and you be sitting pretty good then."  Yeah that is what I think of Scott Walker.

So and so is homeless because they missed a rent payment on their mortgage to a foreign bank?  Are you kidding me?  That should have never been allowed to happen even once in the United States!  Not even once.  You don't know who we are here because you never belonged here!


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