The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, February 1, 2019

The $5 Billion Cost of Trumps Wall (The George Washingtons Among Us) 02 01 2019

The $5 Billion Cost of Trumps Wall 02 01 2019

So Trump proposed a large increase in the Defense Department Budget.  Why wasn't the cost of the Wall included in that Budget?  Perhaps it was, I don't know.

But as an item of Defense it would seem as valid as any of the other Defense Spending if not more.

So the Department of Defense was expected to spend $623 Billion in 2018?  And that $5 Billion Wall can't be part of that?  Somehow money can't be diverted to it?

To me it looks like that DOD Budget represents another Swamp that needs to be drained!  And perhaps that is the best way to look at the issue!  Compare the two $5 Billion to $623 Billion.

$623 Billion to send mentally defective people to the middle east to urinate on Arabs?

What does it really represent today?  It is a retard easement?  Those who couldn't go to college using DOD skills to get Blue Collar or better jobs?

So many reasons we are not to have an army in times of peace per the Constitution.

Let me ask you this.  So Donald Trump shut down the Government.  What would happen if Donald Trump or perhaps another President shut down the Department of Defense?  Shut down the CIA and the FBI?

Would you feel less safe?  I don't think it would make any difference.  Why not?  Because the only thing that would really make me feel more safe would be if you had the death penalty in force so that the Drug Dealers Trump is talking about knew what was coming?  They just reappear to commit more crimes like the way water is lost from the palm of your hand when you are cupping it under a farm pump.

So does Donald need approval to spend the money before he can?  Again $5 billion versus $623 billion?

And what is in that $623 Billion?  Developing new ways to torture people?  Good God who knows.  Some of that is black operations stuff that the American Public that had a conscience required to vote would never have approved of.  Are there voters today that do not have a human conscience?  I would assert that is true.

And how much money was spent on Homeland Security and for what?  It is absolutely ridiculous.  As if they are going to be able to stop a shooter?  Let me explain how it works and why it can never be stopped.  That nutcase drinks alcohol and then starts shooting people because of it.  End of story.  Not too hard to figure out is it!


Off topic.  If Japan had not attacked the U.S. would German Americans have supported WW2?  And when you look at the aftermath of WW1 with regard to it being the cause of WW2...don't you just say to yourself,  you can't have the mentally defective urinating on Arabs in the Middle East?  I am talking about Franz Ferdinand being shot for what reason?  Hitler gassed by the British in WW1 and temporarily blinded?  What do I mean?  You get people creating enemies that have a vengeance!

The British knew about the whereabouts of the Japanese Fleet in the Pacific but didn't tell us.

 Off Topic.  So I  watched a Youtube Video titled 10 things you didn't know about the Japanese Samaria.  Very interesting. 1. They killed innocent citizens in Japan for the fun of it.  2. They believed that they were a class of people that were above working. 3.  And they had sex with boys that wanted to be Samaria like them, Apprentices.  But that is really Homosexual Rape!

So when I think of is a much more dangerous presence than it is being considered to be.  This isn't hate speech.  This is concerned citizen speech.  Next that which likes to rig the human conscience would assert in defense that those are different homosexuals than what we have in the U.S. today?  Please don't consider it hate speech if I don't believe that is true.


In terms of construction projects where does a wall rank?  Does the New York skyline actually need another skyscraper or does any city in the United States?  No.  And I mean no!  Why not?  How can you create all that waste,  and then have vacancy rates in those large buildings when there are homeless on the streets?  You and I both know that is wrong.  We know it isn't the way the United Stats is supposed to be.  You have to know that.

So Chicago is a drug zone?  I remember that Chicago used to send homeless people on the train to Milwaukee with a one way ticket.  I have to ask the question.  Had those homeless stayed in Chicago and perhaps asserted a good human nature, perhaps established a good political platform...perhaps Chicago would not have the drug problem today?  Who do I believe it made homeless today?  Johnny Appleseed.  Perhaps those of us who wouldn't tell a lie.  The George Washington's among us.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Oops, missed a good point here.  Perhaps that wall should only cost $300 million or less to build.

But why out of steel?  Because the dems want it that way?  Did you see how hard it was for the Germans to break that concrete Berlin Wall?  It benefits U.S. Steel?  To me that is a waste of energy.

And is it really the Mexican Americans who rip pipes out of buildings and take them to the scrap yard for money?  Could you see them doing the same thing with a steel wall?

Why steel?  Okay Nancy Pelosi why can't you get up there and truthfully articulate that reason to the American Public?  If you can't do that you are no better than Trump.  But you really don't think that there is an American out there smart enough to make that comparison do you?  And that is why I won't believe in you either.  Why are you really there?  It would appear to me that you like being seen?  And indeed the same thing can be said of Trump.

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