The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Legalized Marijuana Violates the United States Constitution 02 26 2019

Legalized Marijuana Violates the United States Constitution 02 26 2019

If you are a user of a psychoactive substance you are not allowed to buy a gun on the Federal Gun Questionnaire form.  It therefore stands to reason that you should not own one or be allowed to.  Simple enough right?  Get wired on a drug and you are no longer active of your own volition and free will no matter how much people try to make a counterargument you are.

So if you can't own a gun then your Second Amendment Right has been violated!

You would have to amend the Constitution in order to make pot legal.  But you can't do that because it isn't consistent with the purpose and intent of what is already in the Constitution including the Second Amendment.  So it is illegal.

Now ask yourself this.  As if the current flatfoot exemption from the draft wasn't bad enough.

So you legalize marijauna and the United States gets in a war.  You say it will never happen?  Convince someone who got a limb blown off in the Middle East in the last 30 years of that.

So you legalize marijauna and the United States gets in a war, and there is a draft.  Because the drug user can't own a gun are you going to draft him and hand him a gun right away?  Sounds like he has a basis for a flat foot exemption!

Wonderful.  So the rest of us who had teachers for parents get to go and fight that war in order to save and support the wonderful life of a drug user.  Why?  And look at what kind of a gene pool that creates back home.  All the good people going off to war and getting shot dead while the drug users dance around like ferries or the wealthy Iraqis at the night clubs in Iraq while the bombs were falling.

So you say a new system has been put in place since world war two so we won't get in another War?  History repeats itself.  How, the road to hell is paved with ostensibly good intentions by the imbecile class?

Sonny Boy can't be drafted because he was a marijauna user and also ended up with a learning deficit because of it.  And perhaps I am wrong.  Perhaps Sonny Boy is the first one over there.  Left on the shore without any guns.  A Vietnam Veteran told me that is how they were first placed there.

Gee he can't own a gun because he is a pot user.  I suppose you want him to be working on the heavy equipment industrial factory assembly line right next to you too.  Yep.  The boss tells you that you have to take him under your wing because it is the good thing to do. 

"Hey look here comes Sven driving the Fork Lift!  He is high as a kite!"

Pardon me if I beg to differ with you Tony!

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

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