The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, February 10, 2019

So why do drug dealers like Fricke become what they are? 02 10 2019

So why do drug dealers like Fricke become what they are?  02 10 2019

Here is a new concept that you haven't read about.  They were born into it because of a gateway drug their mother or father took when they were attempting to conceive?

And that is exactly what happened and how Prohibition was defeated.

But we can't let it win.  We can't let it win with legalized marijuana either.  It isn't natural to the human race.

I don't believe that these people can be reformed or that it is helpful to try and do so.  It would only be helpful to try and reform them if we were able to achieve a 100% non recidivism rate when they are released from prison.

But why!  Why, why, why!  Why does our country care so much about what happens to the criminal and not their next likely victim?

What it amounts to is lesser and lesser standards of the human race projecting their self pity unto the criminals and not the victims.

If you made your money easy through organized crime and you were elected to Government position in the United States what are the odds you are going to let criminals go?  Pretty high.

And what is the only thing it ends up being?  A criminalized nation.

That isn't something that I believe in.  So by knowing what I assert I do not believe in, in this case, you know what I do believe in.

You talk to the average person.  Do they have any reason why they say the things they do or believe what they do?  They personally attack you rather than trying to use their own mind to determine why they think what they do.  And so you see, so you see indeed, the problem is a lot bigger than the ones that get tried and convicted.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

So should Police Officers be trained that when you are going into a drug house those people are going to protect those drugs exactly like a normal man would protect his loved ones.  Is a normal man allowed to protect his loved ones?  In an inverted justice system like this the normal man is made to feel it is insane to kill someone in defense of your family.  So how did we get this way?

 And indeed the Bible/Church promotes it.  "We will live the life he led for us."  Why don't you know how to live the life of  person?"

"Better a grain of wheat fall to the ground and sprout many ways that it die on the vine."  Or something like that.  Yeah, I mean all well and good.  But what did it sprout?  How about this.  GMO people.   Perhaps read like this. G-Moe.  "Gee, you a Moe?" one say's to the other every day.  The other replies, "Yeah I am a G-Moe to.  It is normal.  If anyone tells you different well will sue them!  We will hurt them!"

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