The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, February 24, 2019

So the station manager of Channel 12 News did a comentary 02 24 2019

So the station manager of Channel 12 News did a commentary 02 24 2019

Stating that she believed First Offense Drunken Driving should be Criminalized and that Tony Evers our Governor might be open to supporting the idea.

Do you know what the problem with that is?  The problem is THAT NOBODY IS THAT PERFECT!

Alcohol is a drug.  It is addictive.  You drink it and then you have to drink more and more of it to achieve that same effect.  It is a biological/human metabolism issue it isn't an issue of will power.  Again nobody is that perfect.

So you want to put someone who goes to College drinks and gets in an accident in jail?  How about a High School kid?  Sure the reality is that drunken driving accidents shouldn't happen and we need to do something to stop them from happening.  But it is a legal drug.

It isn't like we can have people driving us around in a Bentley whenever we drink.  (Full disclosure I have not drank one drop in decades.)

So why didn't that station manager say that alcohol shouldn't be legal?  It is real simple.  How much money does a television station make from alcohol advertising?  Would we have Professional Sports without Alcohol Sales?

I view both the Drunken Driver and the other in the accident if any as both being victims.

I think it is horrible that alcohol is marketed to people.  And the other day I saw a new beer that looked like it was a can of Orange Juice.  Not to mention the apple cider hard drinks, the lemonade the wine coolers, etc.  It is marketed to children.  And the other horror of this reality is that it is marketed to children right there in Church as a right of passage!  Communion!  That is horrific!  The Priest holding the chalice above his head to tempt the young.  A pregnant woman shouldn't even be allowed to have one drop because of the risk of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Mental Retardation.  Did you ever hear a Priest yell out, "Stop you can't have alcohol, look at your stomach you are pregnant!"

Can I tell you something?  A man couldn't stand by and let that happen if he were a priest!  It would weigh to heaven on his human conscience.

But what is a human conscience and how is it formed?

The human soul is said to be composed of two parts, Human Reason and the Human Conscience.

A Conscience is like a voice inside you that tells you what not to do.  But how is it formed?  It is formed through memory and learning.  You touch a hot stove and you know never to touch one again.

How does alcohol play into development of the human soul?  The hippocampus regulates memory gatewaying.  And it takes a heavy hit in Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. The damage irreversible and the cavities or pockets where the brain was supposed to develop fully are instead filled with cerebral spinal fluid.  So if you can't learn you can't form a human conscience.  Without a human conscience you can't have a human soul.

And the Devil or Satan is stated to have no soul.

I hate to keep having to state this issue but it is like no one else on earth is!  7,500,000,000 people on earth and no one has the strength or courage to say this except me.

One alcohol related driving death every 3 hours in Wisconsin.  I believe that is about the statistic she said.  perhaps it was every 2.9 hours.

And you stand back and say, so what it wasn't me.  Don't do it!  Don't say that.  Instead you have to be on the other side of this issue.  Being proactive is kind of like that.  Taking personal responsibility is like that.  What happens when you don't?  You end up being a victim.  But that Pope has an answer for you for that too.  To put faith in Jesus Christ rather than yourself?  Complete nonsense!  Tell that to a woman who lost her breasts do to cancer caused by alcohol?  Tell that to a person who lost a family member in a drunken driving accident.  It doesn't add up.  Is it really extortion?

So Tony Evers wants to legalize marijuana while at the same time making first offense OWI a crime?  Does that make sense to you?  Just think of it this way.  Imagine that alcohol wasn't just one drug it was really two.  Alcohol One and Alcohol Two.  Alcohol One is legal and they want to legalize Alcohol Two too.  The point here is why legalize pot when we already know it impairs drivers?  It makes absolutely no sense.  It is weakness!

Perhaps it amounts to this.  Tony Evers finds Cheech and Chong to be funny and harmless whereas a drunk blowing off his mouth at you and threatening violence is supposed to be viewed as a different issue?

As always you will say that you don't understand any of this and that I shouldn't be writing this stuff.  To leave the Politics to the guys in the monkey suits.

© 2019 Thomas Murphy

Oh by the way, "To be that perfect" you could not have a human soul.  Ever notice how the person with the learning disability could drink you under the table?  Did you ever notice that if you got in a fight with a soulless person they have absolutely nothing to lose, whereas you will could be made retarded and also spend time in jail with the homosexuals?  The soulless have absolutely no problem with that.  And ask yourself would a woman judge have any problem with that?  Is it likely how she got ahead in life?  How do I say it politely what I am referring to?

So you want to say someone that is tormented by voices has multiple personalities?  Sure we may have imprints from that which we need to shake off.  But who really has the multiple personality?  It is the G@d D@mned Alcoholic!  Just one drink and look who comes out of their mouth?  Look who was waiting to speak!  Look who was tormenting their human conscience?  Or rather look at what they really are?  The rest was just a sham!  Complete pretense!  What comes out of that mouth is a feminine loud mouth baboon!  It is like they can't wait to be that!

Do you know what I think when I hear that?  "You go hide your G@d D@mned head in a ZOO!"

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