The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

College Term Paper Assignment 02 14 2023

 "Elucidate the differences between a Non Animal Rights Activist, an Animal Rights Activist and an Animal."

Okay so Facebook once gave a me a warning for comparing a person to some type of animal.  But in some way doesn't an animal rights activist intentionally blur those lines of contrast themselves?

Okay, alright, the first line of this article is still and will always be your current College Term Paper Assignment due in so many days from now.

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

And I know the "you" already.  You would say you understand something even though you really don't.  In effect you don't like something without the ability to understand why you don't like it.  And look at what rung of the ladder that is on.  You don't want to know why you don't like it because subconsciously you know if you figured that out you would not like yourself!  Subconsciously you already know.  But you don't want to think about why because if you did you would have to be truthful about yourself to yourself.  And that is like an impassible roadblock for you!  Hence you put up road blocks for everyone else in life.

Mrs. Barrels Roadblocks, see link.

mrs barrels roadblocks - Search (

And so why did that comparison get flagged?  Because it is too painful, emotionally distressful for some people?  But for what type of person?  The type of person above, who has already been forced to, traumatized to perhaps, or not intentionally blur the lines of comparison between themselves and an animal?

I mean all well and good.  We can be sensitive to people.  But not to the point they value animals' rights over our own independent rights.  Not to the point the take us to the same level that they intentionally subconsciously exist at.

So we watched five black Police Officers effectively beat a black man they had handcuffed to death.  What if those same five black Police Officers were just standing around milling about while a duty German Shephard or other "Assault Dog" rendered that handcuffed black man to death?  

You would have to be a man to understand what I just wrote.  You can't be someone with a milk curdled dud brain to get it.

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