The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, February 3, 2023

Why the Mob Really Killed Kennedy 02 03 2023

 So as part of the inhiation into the mob they put a bloody finger on a picture of Mary and they say that if you ever decide to no longer be one of us may your soul burn in torment?

Your soul burning in torment is exactly what Schizophrenia is.

Now you can't threaten that someone will be that way if you are not also causing it in some way shape or form! 

So you had the mob down there in TX when Kennedy was Killed.  And you had Communist Russia supporting Cuba.

But what else is Communism?  A black man once told me that it is one mind for all.  And that he absolutely hates that.  I would assert that one mind for all is also what schizophrenia is.  Schizo meaning split and phrenic meaning mind.

So yeah, I am also equating the mob to Communism.

But Kennedy fought the mob.  And he also fought Communism.  And he wanted everyone to be on the lookout for instances of it in our nation!  I mean bingo!  Right there.

He also didn't value the aristocratic educations of Ivy league universities in the U.S.

But I think Kennedy knew all the above.  And he was a righteous and good man.  And he speeches were righteous and good.  Nothing like what we experience in our Democracy today.

So I think perhaps he was going to expose it.  And they killed him.


Off topic.

And I really can't stand what I see with DT and storming the Capital.  To me it reads like that faction wants to do away with elections altogether.  And perhaps they believe that the average intelligence of the American people is a lot lower than it really is?  But does that matter if they are able to control bad people to do bad things over and over again?

You can't make a promise to a pawn and have them in your pocket if they are likely to get executed for following your criminal orders?  "Gee, Sorry, I can't do that crime for you because the people represented by the Government will kill me through the legal death penalty sentence?

Can I ask this question?  When did the people ever say they no longer want members of organized crime to be executed?  When was that ever on a gd referendum??  They sure can put things that are unconstitutional on the referendum without conscience.  How come something with conscience like that never makes it?

And good God the guy that hit Nancy Pelosi's husband with the hammer?  Why am I the only one thinks we need the death penalty?

And who hates the death penalty?  Organized Crime!  You can't have pawns in org crime if they know they are going to get the death penalty?  You can't get away with a whole lot of bad stuff if someone knows for certain they will get the death penalty.


And there, I said it again.  But ask yourself this, who do I believe in?  Whose rights do I believe in?  The people of this country?  How could you say anything different than that?  How could you want to say anything different than that?  What would make you want to say anything different than that?

I mean sure someone can play the devils advocate from time to time.  But what about the person who is it all of the time?  Every word that comes out of their mouth is the devils advocate?  And sometimes we play the devils advocate in order for the person to realize their point of view is contrary to good.  But what about the person who plays the da because they want you to believe your good point is contrary to good?  A point that they know is a good one they want you to believe is a bad one?  Why?  Never asked yourself that?

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