The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Student Loan Debt: Give them their money back 02 28 2023

A young man goes to college and gets hazed?  Give him his money back plus treble damages.

Yeah I am a Kennedy guy; Ivy league universities have no benefit to a democracy.

A student is hazed by a professor?  Give them all their money back.

In fact give all the money back to every Schizophrenic that was ever created by the false education system.

Haze those with great legal minds so that they don't become Lawyers, like Lincoln was?

Haze those who are good so that they don't become Doctors?  Give them their money back.

And what do we have today?  Entire hospitals that won't do elective surgeries?  Why?  Because they want to be on the Golf Course that day?  Why?  Because the good intelligent people couldn't afford medical school, and not only that, you didn't want them there.

And then you rename those schools, "School for the normal."  Oh, yeah they got that one right!  "Milwaukee School for the Normal!"

And what about all of those who listened, learned and read and then graduated from school.  Only to not find a job or get hazed.  Or how about loose their entire lifetime skill set to the mysterious affliction with the stigmatizing label schizophrenia?  That diagnosis is one of the greatest lies in human history.  Give them all of their education money back. all of it.  From day GD 1!

And what about the athletic department running the Universities?  Give all of those legitimate academic students their GD money back!

And what about the Universities that gave the students of their same religion the test answers?  Give all the good people who went there their money back!

"Owe we can't afford it."

We can afford everything and everything after "you" leave!

What did someone who went to Harvard tell me?  That a Harvard Bachelor of Science Degree was two thirds bull shit!  

"And make college free you ask?"

You mean so that anybody gets to go to it?  Anybody does get to go already!  And they graduate with degrees that don't get them jobs.  Why?  Because those things are valued?  Actually anything that they can steal from you they don't have to give you value for do they!

People went to college in good faith!  They got hired and worked at jobs in good faith of our nation.  And "you" disabled them?

Okay you can read my recent quote again,

"Who has no money and yet pays for everything?"

"A savior."

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

I mean take what an American could make and have a Chinaman make it so that the American can't be paid for making it?

Use an American as a muse and build a whole facade of nothing but yet highly profitable nothing based on the soul you stole?  Keep giving that soul to as many people as you can!  In the hopes the person you stole it from will eventually have nothing?  Defeat the entire humanity of a nation of the free in this manner?

There was another good point in there, but its gone with the wind.

Ah here it is.  If the Devil steals a soul to give to other people and cannot deliver that soul then perhaps is the devil required to give its own soul?  I mean what do I mean by that?  I don't know what I mean by that because I am not one.  But that sounds like a criminal code of conduct element in there somewhere doesn't it?  I don't know exactly what that means.  I am so naïve about life aren't I?  Don't really know anything about anything or anyone?

Wait a minute.  The Devil by definition doesn't have a soul to give.  But somehow he has to pay?  But why doesn't he have a soul?  Why didn't the Devil get a soul from his biological mother and father creators?  What is going on there?  Come on sharpie, ask that priest or other religious authority equivalent theologian (RAET?) why the Devil doesn't have a soul?  And then don't let him get you alone anywhere?

© 2023 Thomas Paul Murphy

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