The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Gay Pride 02 16 2023

 Can a Gay person be proud while at the same time not having some mental construct of disrespect for those who are not gay (heterosexual)?

A connotative meaning of "pride" is "better." 

A man is proud when he was able to accomplish a work that is equal to or better than his mentor.  And there is nothing sinful about that or being a man.  To say that is sinful interprets being a man as some kind of group effort.  A group effort to develop a young male into thinking and acting like a man?  That would be a delusion of the group that believed it.   A necessitated delusion for not being able to think individually.

So does it have to be the opposite extreme case?  If they don't consider themselves proud then they would think themselves to be closet freaks shunned by society?  

So where is the mid ground case?  It would be one where such an individaul does not call attention to that difference.

The problem with that is the heterosexual can usually readily tell the difference.

So what good does it do humanity to deny real and factual differnces that exist?  It is like saying you paid me the full amount of $100 dollars from something when you only gave me $10 dollars for it.

To say it is something to be proud of implies it is something everyone should want to be!  Just like every apprentice seeks to do work as good as or better than their mentor.

A son or daughter truly loves both their parents.  Those parents that married, biologically produced them.  Why advertise to someone like that that they would be more proud if they were a homosexual?  Is it okay if they end up detesting that notion?  Tell me why it isn't okay if they detest that notion?  You can't because their is no mental wherewithal to do so.

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

Why hasn't there been an academic study with regard to this?

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