The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Joe Biden State of the Union Address 02 07 2023

I don't think he really understands the middle class.  

He somehow believes that the middle class is all factory workers?

And if our factories compete better with China he is going to raise the middle class?

He somehow believes that if we are better educated over here we will all be better at working at factories?

What he doesn't understand is the economic funnel!  And from another comment of his he doesn't understand what the mean streak is.

We watched five Police Officers beat a handcuffed black man to death!  That is the mean streak.  He implied that more police training is the answer to that?  You can't educate out that mean streak.

Then he wanted to ban assault weapons.  He also mentioned a semi automatic pistol.  Did you know that a six shooter, a wheel gun, a revolver being the proper name fires a bullet with every pull of the trigger just like a semi automatic pistol?  So they really want all guns???  Figure it out.

So  I have to ask the question about big corporations not paying their fair taxes?  And here I ask what gov agency is responsible for those collections.  I can't name it outright out of fear!  So what is going on there?  Do we have a collective mean streak that wont bite the hand that feeds it?

And what does mental health for children mean?  It means talking down to a child that is being bullied?  It means putting the child that is being bullied on a handful of narcotic drugs that will likely get them hooked on other drugs?  I would love to see a United States President come out and witch hunt all of that!

You are not going to address the middle class issue until you change the economic funnel.  So that the mean streak isn't supported by the college educated.  And this is what is consistent with our Constitution.

And that Second Amendment was created so that you are allowed to have equal to or better a firearm than what a soldier of an invading army might have!  It is part of the Constitution and it cannot be changed because it is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Constitution.  And Biden took an oath to protect that as President.  He put his hand on the Bible!  Sad to see this is an Irishman.

In terms of the economic funnel you can't have billionaires shielding that money in Foundations.  What it amounts to is a lesser amount of money to go around to the rest of us.

That mean streak wants you to work for them and to be able to blow pipe smoke in your face all day!  Again the work structure needs to change to be more like employee owned and profit sharing.  And perhaps less like a recycling of money tribe?

And by the way what will happen when you decrease the fines on credit cards?  The banks will fire people.  And that doesn't bother me.  What bothers me is that you should not be fined or charged higher interest so that a bank can hire more employees.

So anyone who gets out of college doesn't want to work on a factory floor.  Where no matter how hard you try and regulate it they are going to be exposed to chemicals that cause cancer and birth defects.  There will be no safety equipment because it costs too much money.  Don't dare you use a fire extinguisher if there is a fire because it wastes money?  Push that car that is on fire out of the gas station lot?  Devil may care if it blows up and takes you with it.  You see I have worked.  And I do know what the mean streak is?

That economic funnel eliminated the middle class.  It was pre Alzheimer's actor Reagans kiss ass idea of trickle down economics.  And all of those Republican sh1t kids who wanted to be just like Michael J. Fox's character in Family Ties they voted for him like British trollops at a Beatles Concert?

And what does Joe Biden mean by hate?  We got that crud from George Bush too.  Who is to define what is hate speech?  It could be anything some namby pamby has a negative emotional reaction to.  And do you know what the negative emotional reaction of a namby bamby or mentally retarded person is?  It is that mean streak!

First and foremost Joe we have to be stronger than that.

I mean you paid for that college education.  It wasn't free for most of us.  And then for some reason Joe believes by the nature of his comments about the economy and competition that you go to work in that factory?  You racked up a mountain of debt?  But because you don't know anyone in high places... That is what the middle class will be?  It doesn't work that way.  The top shaves the money away from it.  And that is the economic funnel.  And then what do they go after next?  Your right to free speech!  Your right to own a firearm equal to or better than what a soldier from an invading army would have.

Then they want to say that you are hateful if you don't agree with them.  Don't agree with a homosexual about marriage and you are a very hateful person!  And then they need to keep an eye on you?  Can you see that ugly brown eye looking at you from a hole in the wall?  Good God, who in the hell needs that.

Joe what happened to the Democrats?  How did they change to become like how you are today?  Who have you been sucking up to?

You are talking about screening the mentally ill?  About red flag laws?  How many words did you slur in your speech today?  Is it hateful of me to point that out?  Sounds to me like you want to legislate someone like you out of existence?  That slurring could raise a red flag?  They might say someone who seems drunk like you or mentally defective should really have less rights.  But you don't understand that concept do you.  Some how you are on the dark side of that.  Somehow you got an undeserved boost to where you are?  You know good men want to look out for the good men like them from the next generations.  I think some of that is lacking with you.  Pardon me if I resent your broad brushed weak minded solutions?

Can I tell you something about the means streak?  To see those five black police officers beat that cuffed black man to death?  You would have to be a man to recognize what that mean streak is and where it comes from.


And why did a woman put a blue line flag on that Police Officers Car?  Why isn't the won we made after the Civil War good enough?


Joe, you are sounding like a Republican?  To believe that manufacturing is the answer to the gone middle class issue?  You don't need more than a high school education to work in a factory job.  And Republicans hate education.  Why?  That mean streak wants people to do their work for them.  So that they can blow Amphora Red smoke in their face all day and similar soul sucking and leaching behavior.

© 2023 Thomas Murphy

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