The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Father teaches a son to choke his brother 04 23 2013

A Father teaches a son to choke his brother 04 23 2013

He got a convicted and a big fine for doing this.  And it is about time!  This happened recently in Wisconsin and I believe it was a Sicilian looking last name.

When I was in grade school one of the kids an Italian kid did this to another a Spanish kid.

We know that alcohol and pot delay brain development.  And the method of delayed development can be thought of as oxygen loss to the brain.

Why would a child choke another.  What if one child fit the archetype of Satan?  He had no soul and could read the minds of men?  It really means for some reason that he is dependent minded on others thoughts.  It is right from the Bible and I don't care if you don't think it is proper.  But anyway he learns from that other child all his life.  He even bullies other children to drive their minds from them.  The Russians proved the body energy aura with Kirlean photography.

But what does that Satanic child/person want to do?  He wants to believe that it is himself doing the thinking! He wants to test that principle doesn't he!  "If I can make that other person stop thinking for themselves maybe I will be the thinker?" The miserable one say's to himself.  So that is his plan!

The immigration department of the United States did not want any Chinese in this country!  Indeed if you look at the face of some sphinx, you know the Egyptians that enslaved the Jews, it is an oriental face!  But my point is in the martial arts form Judo choking someone into submission is the way you win!  You grab them by the thick collar of the white suit and tighten it around their necks.  If they tap you with their hand it means that you let go and stop choking them and you win because they Tapped out!  So the question is, "Did immigration find the oriental mind to be a lesser mind because they all have had their souls and thinking choked out of them?"  You know I was at a Japanese Steak House restaurant in the greater Milwaukee area one night and the two Sushi chefs were playing a game of pinch each others groins!

So does that Sicilian father teach his son that for the very reason that I described above?  It sure does make the presence of the mafia a threat doesn't it?  To see one child choking another.  Sure the eight grade teacher at the Catholic school down the block explained it as harmless.  He also liked to smoke cigarettes.

Does a father choke his son to prevent him from thinking because he does not believe the child is smart enough to think?  And if they are all choked stupid do they find they come back to consciousness hearing the same soul of another person?  Gives them all the same perspective in life.  The Italians do believe that their God father is often not a relative.  But I think it is more along the lines of one species versus a lesser species issue.  And indeed it does not seem to be confined to just one religion or nationality.  Which indeed implies it is a developmental learning disability type of issue.  So how do we handle children who have this LD?  Do we promote the behavior?  No!  We address the issue!  For some reason you are screwed up and need to hold the hand of someone else all your life!  Why?  Because if you don't you do horrific things?  Horrific things that cause you to want to hold the hand of someone else all your life?

Off topic.  My High School chemistry teacher was fat and drank diet soda after diet soda. One day a kid that looked like John Lennon asked her, "Why does the can have all those ingredients in it?"
"Because it is good for you!"  She yelled at him!!!  She died of a heart attack a few years later, long before her old age.  And she was a candidate to go on a NASA mission!  So much for aerospace in the day and age of choked stupids.

"Say why does that baby look like she was born looking like she came home from a dance crying?"
"Her mother was a chain smoker and her brother liked to choke her."

Honest to God our Italian Jew media empire like the idea so much they glamorized the idea with a movie about it and sex.  Nicest thing you could do to your wife??????  Or is it more along the lines of tempting someone to do it to their wife because they can't stand that they are not her, who might even be a valedictorian, ...they can't stand that the thinking is not theirs?  They want to tempt the good man to do something that would make his beautiful wife stupid??

Bible Stuff Now.
Adam and Eve were Jews.
And they were the first humans.
Did you ever hear of Adam and Eve as being the ones to establish the Jewish religion in the Bible?  No you didn't!

So what is a human?  It is a You Man!  Someone who hears another person thinking!  And at some time puts them to the test in some way in order to anger them!  And in this case the Jew, means blessed one, gets so mad he chokes the person that it harassing him.  And what does the person say in return?  "I am You Man." "I am You Man."  Phonetic based translation over the ages "I am human!"

So what had to have happened in world history is that at some point the Humans overthrew the True Jews, means blessed ones.  Why do you call someone blessed one?  Because you know for a fact you aren't!  When there is no denying it to yourself.  It is like the owner of the business you are working at part time while you are going to college mock you and call you college boy!  But is there Biblical evidence for a race of humans overthrowing a race of Jews? You damn right there is!  In the Dead Sea Scrolls, not part of the Bible but damn well close enough.  There was a great war between the Son's of Light and the Son's of Darkness in the Dead Sea Scrolls!  Guess which one you are schizophrenic who hears voices to mock his thinking?  You are a son of light!  We'll most likely you are, can't speak for everyone.  There always seems to be some legalese mind that want's to put forth a simpleton example of how you can never say always.

So Adam and Eve had to have been evicted from a Jewish Village.  Did they do that?  The Dea Sea Scrolls said that they did as a matter of law.  More human then killing?  Yeah, until enough of them group together out in the gypsy waste land and come back at ya.

But what else had to have gone on in that ancient Jewish Religion?  Lets say you have a gal like eve and she is eating rotten apples all day by the ground with the snake.  Eve becomes the witch of the village and just cannot be managed!  Did the ancient Rabbis not create Golems but instead mark people on the forehead who were the archetype of the Satanic mind?  Cane indeed was marked.  You can't tell me that wasn't what was going on!  (And I will not get into coverall of the third eye makeup and who came home having to wear it and why in this issue.)

What did they put on the forehead?  Something like EMIT!  It means send forth or this one was sent forth.  It means you can't be trusted to live with other people.  We can't kill you because we love you.  So you go live on your own and fend for yourself and people will know you can't be trusted when the come upon you!  Sounds pretty fair considering the nature of the archetype! That is indeed the worlds oldest religion!  And when the Rabiis got pissed the cut out part of that word making it read dead.  The person likely bled from the forehead to death.

That is my take on it.  You might call it conjecture but that is the way the pieces of world history fit together to me!

Bottom line that choking should have no place in our American Society.  Neither should the sport of Ultimate fighting where one person beats the other into submission!  Do you really want your child to learn that?  Or better yet do you want a child who is bigger than yours or older than yours to learn that.

Do those from the south have the satanic mind because of the prominence of alcohol?  Fungus forms better in warmer climates?

If we choke off all the minds of the good sons we get to run this town?  Is that what those who bear the cognitive mark of Satan believe?  Is that their modus operand of crime?  

And what did a Sicilian American girl I once worked say about what her brother always used to say to the family about her, "Just pass her!"

Can I get a witness?

Copyright 2013 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 04 23 2013 at:

PS. So a father does this to his son and so on down the line.  Does it get to the point where they can't even be born normal?  Do we need to modify our Constitution with regard to the rights of such people in the event that a massive uprising happens against them?  I think that needs to be done very soon all over the world.

The next question is, you see a person with downs syndrome and you know what they look like.  Are there people who have down syndrome without any physical manifestations of the disease.  They have cognitive development differences but not physical?  They would have to lead a life of duplicity.  It must be very hard for them!  And how can the be diagnosed so that they can be helped or at least not be put in positions of authority whereby they can have the will of vengeance of a horrific dictator!  It's not our fault your that way!

I have to ask another question.  Is there indeed an order of hierarchy present in the human genome whereby if all conditions are right it becomes a boy?  If not it becomes a girl?  But wait it might be more like this.
Boy with woman's mind
Girl with mans mind
Girl Girl

Indeed top and bottom would be best.

You see it explains why China is the copycat nation.  What else can you be if you have had your senses choked out of you?  I mean you could have taught your child something but instead you decided to deprive his brain of oxygen, and stall his thought processes if not halt them altogether, by choking him.

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