The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Two Inventions Needed 04 10 2013

Two Inventions Needed:  04 10 2013

1.        How many people know what blood type that they have?  If you go to the blood center and give blood they will give you a card with your blood type on it.  But who wants to carry that extra card in their wallet.  And what if you don’t want to be a general donor but only want to know your blood type should you want to give blood to a relative of yours in case of an emergency?  Wouldn’t it be nice if you could have a doctor verified health database of yourself whereby you could provide access to it to different organizations in our society?  For example if you wanted your blood type on your driver’s license so that you did not have to carry the extra card?  ~ Then you could allow the DMV to access that specific parameter, your blood type, in that database to be printed on the license?  It would seem to save time in case you wanted to be an emergency donor?

2.       Auto screens are basically computer LED panels today.  So how about having a simple ledger available on that screen to record the last maintenance procedure that you performed on that car?  Such as an oil change?  The ledger would have the column headings of Date, Mileage, part # 1, Part # 2, Work Done.


The database cannot be erased but can be edited.  This would allow you to look at the LED screen to know when your last oil change was and the life of the oil that you used for the change, etc.  The way to do it today is to write it in a blank page of the owner’s manual or on a separate spreadsheet.  But both of those are places where the information could be lost.  It would be much easier to type it in the LED panel of the car.


Copyright 2013 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 04 10 2013 at:


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