The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Cedarburg Daycare and Racine Case 04 23 2013

Cedarburg Daycare and Racine Case 04 23 2013

There is a new law before the Senate that say's, and I don't know the exact details, but the gist is that if you are an alleged child molester you cannot live anywhere near that child.  You can't move in next to them and you can't stay living next to them!

This could be a great law.  Why because it takes the burden off of a young person or minor from having the ability to articulate or have the credibility to say what happened to them. But it could even be expanded.  In Cedarburg Wisconsin there is a day care center where an adolescent is accused of molesting children.  I don't know what he was doing there in the first place because I haven't read the details but I believe the scope of this allegation law should be expanded so that if one student molests another they are not allowed in the school district.  And what happens to these children that are gone does become a big issue that needs to be addressed in our society.  We do indeed know that many well paid business executives in corporations do have psychotic type personality features.  It has always seemed odd to me that people are rewarded for firing people rather than trying to grow the company and create jobs, but I am a black sheep in that respect.  "Why did you go into business is what my first employer out of college always asked me."  I do not understand the mentality of someone that does that to other people in the Cedarburg case other than to say that it fulfills some void in a person that the Bible describes as being Satanic.

I talked to a social worker in some steam room once and he told me that what they are finding out about kids who drop out of school is that for some reason they are terrified to go back.  You put the pieces of the puzzle together and you see who is who and why!

I have more to add to this but I have to go.

Copyright 2013 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 04 23 2013 at:

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