The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Rockefeller family impostor convicted in 1985 Southern California murder
Rockefeller family impostor convicted in 1985 Southern California murdere3o
Remote Commentary on above article.

In England they call that little space behind their house "A PLOT"

I can't help but wonder how it got its name?  England used to be Druid HQ!

And indeed they found human bones in the yard that Prince Harry and William played in.  But that story has gone away.

And indeed it was Allister Crowley an Englishman who is rumored to have said that wealthy English Jewish Bankers sacrificed babies?

The man in the above article buried people in his backyard.

It makes me wonder how many killers are English Based or have English surnames?

So what is the point?  People go missing all the time!  Where are they buried?

Do we look in the Plots of people with English surnames in the United States?

Do defense lawyers become made men in the United States by burying witnesses in their plots or under their new patios?

Why call it a plot other than you plot to bury someone there.  It sounds like Irish Witt hat the English embraced without knowing why?  As in what else is that little space beyond your house good for other than your plot to bury someone?

I am not a racist.  I like all people.  In fact Dr. Who and Red Dwarf and a host of other BBC programs used to be my favorite!  And I do indeed commend the English for their excellent speech.  I have to wonder how they maintained it so well over the years?

Copyright 2013 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 04 10 2013 at:

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