The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Gay Marriage 04 23 2013 Update #2

Gay Marriage  04 23 2013

Good lord they would do anything to make that kid happy!

But what happens when transgendered people have the right to marry?  Come on think it through.

You have a unisex person that develops working sex organ of male and female!  -Eventually??

Then what happens?  That thing that is essentially the same as a, as a, as a LIZARD learns that it only needs itself to make more self.  And that is all it ends up doing making more self's of the Lizard type way.

Then they all have rights to because the president was set!

So do we allow transgendered the right to marry?  We are on the cusp of it as they are part of the Gay Lesbian heading?

Am I the only one that gets this?  You could have one person end up killing all the rest of us?

You can't set that precedent.  You can't allow gays to marry!  It is just one of those tough you take your lumps that is the way it is.  You have to live in humility because of it!  Maybe you look for the reason you are the way you are instead of parading yourself for attention.  Why do you want all that attention?  So you can eventually create the ...oh I forget the biological term where it doesn't take a male and female to make another.

There are over 100 made made chemicals in the umbilical cord of a baby today.

Do you think that I am over-reacting?

Enough is enough we got more important problems than this in our society.  The answer is NO!  Get it?  Society just says NO to it!  You don't get to be spoiled anymore!  The answer is NO!

Believe it or not I thought through all this stuff when I was just a boy already.

Copyright 2013 Thomas Paul Murphy
Originally published on 04 23 2013 at:

Asexual Reproduction was the term I was looking for.  Asexual by itself means lack of interest in sex.

PS. Makes one wonder if Barrack Obama has a vagina between his nuts and his A$$hole.

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