The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Either Brett Kavanaugh is lying or Christine Blasey Ford is lying 09 27 2018

Either Brett Kavanaugh is lying or Christine Blasey Ford is lying 09 27 2018

To me it looks like Brett Kavanaugh is lying in a way that he believes technically isn't lying.  In doing so so that he can't be charged with a felony for lying under oath if it is drawn out?

Music was on in the bedroom?  Looks premeditated to me.

Makes you wonder how Christine Blasey Ford lost her virginity?

And she doesn't look like a bad girl.  But I have heard of 8th grade girls going to the park with three boys and a blanket...

Which brings me to my next point.  Do such girls gossip about their first time?  And who didn't have a first time yet?  Pier pressure?

And she was 15 and had one beer???

It would seem to me with the situation etched in her mind like it is that she would remember a lot more of the details.  Such as, I am never going to a party at that house right there again!  That house right there.

"This friend introduced me to this friend?"  A little to blase right?

And there is the issue that appears that she knows more of the people who were there or new about it but doesn't want to involve them because they told her not to.

But she should have came forward before.  If he was a judge she should have cared that he should not be making any kind of judicial decisions regarding anything?  But perhaps she viewed herself as small potatoes and vulnerable if she had came forward earlier?  And that proves to be true given that she has received death threats and cold treatment now.  So that is one of those things we don't consider from our spectator point of view on these issues?  In other words looks like she was right to not come forward because of what happened.

And what Brett did in this case wasn't that bad in my point of view.  But to me it was premeditated the way the music was on in the room?  And here is the really bothering point of it.  Premeditated means it might have been part of a pattern of behavior.  And the bad point being,  the women that didn't come forward because they fully went into a room like that knowing what would go on and enjoyed it.  They will never tell.  Secured their place in wealth in our country that way?  In other words what made them believe that she would go along with the sex?  A lot of questions could be centered around that.

"I have never done this."  He said.  That could just mean that he doesn't agree with how she said it happened?  In effect he has thought of how he could say no that isn't how it went for everything she said?

But I don't think you can find fault with anyone who can't hold their liquor.  You are supposed to be a sharp thinker as an adult?  Alcohol impairs judgment.  Alcohol use leads to a decrease in intelligence.  You can't keep it out of the hands of teenagers because it is legal.  I think it shouldn't be.  A lot of people take issue with me on that.  But I don't care.

I think a more clear picture of judgment is when someone acts and they were not under the influence of alcohol or drugs for a very long time.  Then the issue is more clear cut.

Can you blame a drunk driver because they lost control?  What are you supposed to think in logical terms?  "This person was consuming an addictive substance.  Consumption of addictive substances required one to consume more and more of them to achieve the same psychoactive effect.  The addict should not have been the addict."

You just can't say that "The addict should not have been the addict" because it isn't a reasonable statement to make.

So why is it legal?  Because a lot of money is made from it.  Because it is used by the wealthy to keep the middle class at bay.  Because it is used by the wealthy to make the middle class sick.

Is it easier to get a teen addicted to drugs than an adult?  Their reward system for personal achievement hasn't been developed yet.  Stand back and look at the gestalt of that.  That is a snake (or Satan) that would attempt to do that!

What I never heard Brett Kavanaugh say though was, "I do not drink anymore."

From the gestalt of what I saw in him today on tv (and I rarely watch it) was the anger of a recalcitrant drunk.  Not quite to the level of someone you want to put a muzzle on and lock up.

But here is what else bothers me.  Is this the best candidate we have for Supreme Court?  It shouldn't be should it.  Don't we deserve the best?

So here is what will happen.  It will get the public pissed off and we will have to live with it.  Just like we did Clarence Thomas.

Does anyone really see any credibility to a Supreme Court that is built in this manner?  Why aren't they a lot more professional than they are?  They make decisions and they haven't even written proofs as to why at the time they made the decision?  So who helps them right the proofs?  The British Government?  That isn't how professionals are supposed to be.  But that is exactly what we got in this country everywhere today.

And the political commentators on television today what did they look like?  Dry mouth stupid.  A characteristic of being estranged.

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

In summary one of them hast to be lying under oath.  Which means we have a case going right?  One of them is guilty of a felony right now?  Never happen.  Haven't we seen enough of this on television?  What does it really tell us?  That we are powerless when the successful can't be convicted?  Reach a certain level in society and you are beyond conviction due to professional courtesy.

But that concept doesn't really apply to the middle class?  Someone emulates what Trump does or say's on television and the book is thrown at them.  Can't use the excuse our national leader entrapped me.

Don't like Trump?  I didn't like him on The Apprentice.  It was like watching someone who didn't drink make decisions as if they had a hangover right then.  Now other people who liked to watch that are starting to think about Trump the same way.

But we say we liked his book?  What they are saying about that is that he didn't even write it?  But you know what?  I remember that book.  And the way it is written is somewhat consistent with his personality.  I liked the book.

Do I like it that he swivels out of everything that comes his way?  No.  I like a President that doesn't give himself reason to swivel?  Get it?

Once again, Copyright 2018 Thomas Paul Murphy

Some people do read this stuff.  Probably the Barney Fifes around the State.  "Oh he can't say that can he?"  "Oh he can't think that can he?"  "The nerve of him to think like that!"  "What gives him the right to think like he does."  "Who told him that he could think like that.  It just isn't right is it."

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