The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, September 28, 2018

Would DNA testing of Christine Blasey Ford reveal Brett Kavanaugh DNA 09 28 2018

Would DNA testing of Christine Blasey Ford reveal Brett Kavanaugh DNA  09 28 2018

What am I getting at here?

I read that you take on some of the DNA of everyone you have had sex with.

We already know one of the two is lying.  Why?  Because what they are saying directly contradicts what the other person is saying.  So one of them is lying.  What if both of them are lying?

What if Christine lost he virginity to Brett that night?  That DNA testing would be able to tell that?

But what does it mean?

It is a continuation of what our first black President gave us with the Supreme Court, a ruling that it is okay to lie.

This would further that concept in the eyes of the corrupt wealthy?  It is okay to lie under oath and you will not be charged with it?

And look at how that would suit Donald Trump and the likes of him in this world?  He must have contradicted himself how many times and he still got elected and he is still President.

Just that fact alone makes him really bad for our nation.

It sends a message to the corrupt wealthy though,  you have free reign to do whatever you want to United States Citizens.

So if it were true that both of them were lying.  What would it make these confirmation hearings?  A staged act or some kind of CIA machination?  Some of those CIA actions amount to sum certain Treason.

But if you get someone who is a little off as President it really doesn't matter does it.  Why not?  Because like George Bush they just deny it and it is over with.

To have a court system that allows them to get away with it also means the court system is corrupt.  What is someone who behaves like a sycophant and doesn't want to lose his job so he gives a false judgment?  That is someone that should have never been promoted to that level of profession.

And our nation is replete with just that.

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

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