The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

North Korea Innovation 09 11 2018

North Korea Innovation  09 11 2018

Are you kidding me?  That type of Government represses all human expression and creativity.

Same goes for Russia and China.  They ended up copying everything we make.  In fact Corporate spies allowed into our country allowed it to happen without justice.

Again.  What does a type of mind like that think like?  It thinks in terms of one scheme to the next.

And eventually they will want to prove that they are better than the United States.  Why?  Because of how they earned their money and again, how they think.

They will want to conquer and repress humanity.  Humanity which is indeed represented by the United States.

Sure they are great at building a military?  Why?  Because destroying men is all that scheming feminine mind can think about.

The truth is that a faction of that mentality that is in the United States wants to bring us down already for that very reason.  They don't think like men in terms of innovation and freedom of expression.  And contradictory to what the olive skinned mother around you wants to believe to make you feel good, her son wearing a pink flowery scarf is not the freedom of expression and innovation I am talking about.

When they are in the banking business they don't think accurately in terms of how to make money.  Rather they think in simple terms of privatizing public services in order to make a profit from what was once free.  They also think in terms of envy and material fixation.  In the stock market they do not earn money they set up a system wereby the publics money is churned from them.  It is listed as trading profits on their income statement.  Men?  These are people who could never even change the oil on their own car.  And they are given millions and millions to start common stock offerings.  They pay themselves a yearly salary upwards of six figures and run the company into the ground.  And they market makers make the capitalization amount of the company as the stock is going bankrupt.

What are they like in the office?  Rude, nervous, biting, queer, odd, feminine, jealous, envious.  Basically everything a Patriarchal figure would teach his son not to be.

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

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