The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Gun Control 09 05 2018

Gun Control 09 05 2018

I am not for Gun Control in any form.  However, what if a Biological Father say's that boy can never have one?

And what if that Biological Father put that son or daughter up for adoption?  Then it can be deemed that Biological Father has already negatively weighed in on the subject?

What I am trying to get at is people in power and of responsibility that are more like the men our Founding Fathers were rather than your spoiled thinking British Aristocrats?

If a Father say's that kid has a screw loose do we need to go against that father?  What ideology would lead to more of a patriarchal country like the one our Founding Fathers formed?

Do I believe if certain things are present together a person should not be able to have a gun?  For example born with missing brain matter on a cat scan together with a lifetime history of violent behavior?  Now that is something that would make us safer.

What doesn't make us safer?  A beast of a woman cursing a mans mind, then saying there is something wrong with him, then giving him a medical label, then forcing him to take what amounts to narcotics, then saying he can't handle his own affairs or make decisions for himself, when all along he was the source of her cognition and knowledge.  Should a woman like that be allowed to vote for marijuana legalization?  No.  Should she be able to wield a wand and send men off to war?  No.  Should she be able to set norms and fashions whereby little boys are to wear dresses like Queen Victoria did?  No.

Now granted there are some women who are a lot more responsible than some men.  But do you see how that woman might also seek to make men less responsible or paint the picture of some men as being less responsible than they truly are?

If a woman is more responsible than a retard blowhard drunk.  That isn't saying much is it.  A woman is more responsible than a black man that can neither read nor write.  That isn't saying much.  A woman is more responsible than a man who is having his thoughts cursed by hags.  That amounts to a crime against humanity that needs to be eradicated from our Democracy?

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

Every pot user I ever met was like a hell bent suck hole zombie.  Their personalities can be classified as Reactive/Apathetic.

Now the issue becomes a lot more clear when the drug is something like LSD?  The bottom line is "You made that choice!"  And that choice precludes you from owning or being in possession of a firearm.  I mean give a person lsd and hand them a loaded gun with the trigger cocked what are the odds you someone will be shot by that freak.  Then we get into morality?  Is that person a freak because of the lsd or are they really using the lsd to support their lifetime freakish nature personality and thought process?  I have to say that the latter to some extent has some truth to it.  I mean you took a hit of that pot and you liked the high of that better than the joy of a hard earned achievement.  And sure you were propagandized by the Bible, Pride is a sin.  Baloney!  That is British unisex genealogy thinking!

And I would indeed keep at it until an alcohol user is not allowed to own a firearm!  You damn right!

How many wife beaters used alcohol?  You can't tell me that number isn't like 100%.  You know what that lowlife is?  Beats his wife at home and then goes out to the bar and gets another woman pregnant at night.  And that woman bears a retard child from it who is a complete burden to Democracy and grows up to be just like his biological father.  To me you could just define a bastard like that as being British and leave it at that.  Effeminated bird like homosexual lizard voice.  Completely insufferable.  That is who wants to give you drugs and take away your guns.  Why?  Because it erodes the Constitution.  It erodes the nation of men.  Sore loser punch drunk kids who will always believe that being a professional athlete is how they could best contribute to society?  The prof athlete contributes nothing.  They are part of the synagogue of satan vicious circle alcohol retard economy (as outlined above.)  Could put the word genetic bastard in there to somewhere.

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