The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Jail Balancing 09 30 2018

Jail Balancing  09 30 2018

So what happens if you have Construction Contractors bid rigging our Government and the Gov found to collude with them?

You put them in jail.

But what happens when you need to build new jails?

Forget about building any new jails.

You have to balance out the current jails.

They have already been convicted so that part is over.

Convictions of drug dealing, pedophilia and pimping should then recieve the death penalty.

This balances out the jail.

Then if you further need to re-balance the jail you execute all the other worst criminals first.

So indeed you have to rank every criminal in a jail as to when they would be executed in terms of a national emergency whereby food would not be able to be provided to them.

Can't let them go because they are just plain bad and would exacerbate the national emergency and further prey on the victims of whatever emergency that is.

And what would happen if a foreign country then attacked the United States and targeted all of our prisons for destruction?

I would be like, hey thanks!

But if we attacked the prison gates of countries like Russia, China, Great Britain, wouldn't that end up in there being a "better" human population?  Attack the gates and destroy all the gates and doors of all the places that they locked up people who were tormented by the voice of the Satanic.

That is the kind of leader I would be of the United States.  I can dream can't I?

"I had a dream."
"What was your dream."  the black man muttered under his breath. 
"You are reading it in these pages."

Don't like it?  That is because you are like the Matriarchal Judea Christian society of the Romans.  "Procula", Pontius Pilates wife, would not have liked a dream like this.

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

Why can't Google Blogger get the spelling checker of Pontius Pilate right?

They get it right here:  But not in the blogger?

Because it is part of history that they want to erase?  Because it bothers them so much that it is reality that they want to consider it is really a delusion and thereby eliminate it.  Wow!  I just hit the nail on the head with that one didn't I!

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