The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Saturday, October 13, 2018

A Woman's Right to have an Abortion? 10 14 2018

A Woman's Right to have an Abortion?  10 14 2018

So they nix that and then what do they go after?

1.  A woman's right to divorce her husband.

Then what's next?

2.  A woman's right to who she is going to marry.

And how did we get there with the wealthy Republican Party Members?  It is as if they are trying to normalize what isn't normal in the United States; prearranged marriages for money.

How does it work among the wealthy?  Wealthy mother of hairlip dyslexic son arranges a date with hairlip dyslexic daughter of wealthy woman from her tennis club.

It isn't a marriage based on love it is based on money.  And again we see that with Leah Vukmir holding herself out as a compassionate nurse then somehow her very cold and calculating business side (that all nurses are required to have?) overules that on issues and she opts for money over human health.

And I doubt that these people know what really motivates them to make the decisions they do based on opinions.  Think about it?  A woman wants a dress like the one another one has.  What about being popular because you say you believe what another woman of your political party said?  It is that shallow isn't it.

Do you really want to know what I think about it?  A woman Senator no matter who she is isn't capable of making the best decisions with regard to the lives of women as a whole in this country.

Hunters versus gatherers.  The hunter gets it the gatherer doesn't.  And there are very few true hunting men around anymore.  But the hunter mind of man gets it this way.  If I take this path through these woods, and cross that board that is over the stream, and then take that path going in that direction,  I will likely find the natural deer trail right there!  In other words we see where it goes and what motivates it.  And it has to do with the male brain being wired differently in the hippocampus.  Men have a much better memory of where they are and what is where they are on a trail.  That type of memory.  It is true.

Then I heard Leah say something to the effect of we don't do environmental type controls that aren't proven?  Which means what?  She doesn't have the ability to analyze the science behind how things work?  Know it is a safe answer for her isn't it.  Because what does it mean?   It means that none of the wealthy corporations are going to be fined for environmental polluting and run out of business from the liability.  Doesn't really matter that lives are likely cut short by cancer causing substance in the groundwater in the Green Bay Area.  "We need that revenue?"  Do you know how weak minded that is?  That is like a sissy is dancing around on stage isn't it?

One thing that I noticed about Republicans is that they have very good verbal ability but no actual logical thinking capability.  That part of their brains, those cells, were long ago dried out by alcohol and the gene expression gone.  In other words they base all of their opinions as asserted beliefs and all of that is based on conjecture!

Let me get at it another way.  Analyze whatever problem our country is facing.  What are all the variables that play into that problem.  A Republican will either gloss over 7/10 of them or say that 7/10 are unimportant because the Republican doesn't have the adult comprehension to intelligently analyze problems.  What is really on their minds?  "What am I going to drink tonight?  I will get a gin and tonic here.  I will have a glass of wine with supper."  Men who think like that are not problem solvers.  They begrudge the very life that God gave them.

And that is it right there isn't it!  The substance user does not experience life to the fullest as God intended them to!  Pretty prophetic isn't it?

Them experiencing life to the fullest is to drink, be promiscuous and get a woman pregnant out of wedlock. And you know what?  Every one of their public policies caters to the fatuous bastard to the exact detriment of the middle class.

But you know what I was really proud of today?  The moderators of this debate on Public Television did not let the candidates get away without directly answering the question.  Now would they have done that if somebody didn't get after them?  Would they have done that if Republicans haven't time and again vowed to cut all funding for Public Television?

I will just say that was refreshing.  It was representative of how a Patriarchal Society works.

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

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