The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Where will the antidrug antialcohol policies come from 10 07 2018

Where will the antidrug antialcohol policies come from 10 07 2018

As businesses lose money because they can't hire people.  And they can't raise prices to cover that loss.  And they have too high turnover.  And end up with financial liabilities that could bankrupt them.  Then you will see the money vote for antidrug polices so that wealth is maintained?

No I doubt it.  They will just continue to print money, run up the debt and control the Federal Reserve.  Eventually bankrupt the entire nation.  Blame it on the Constitution.  Indoctrinate the country with an non separated church and state concept.  And make the lives of men and their honest families miserable.  Promote pumpkin heads to the positions of Fascist leaders.  Keep creating waste and environmental hazards.  But deny that it is an actuality because if you admit it then you have to remedy that and if you have to spend money to remedy that the whole thing falls apart.  Why?  Because it is like having to pay a housekeeper to clean up somebody elses house, because you don't want to admit it is really your mess that you created, a liability of wealth creation you don't want to recognize!   And there it is right there I nailed it!

"Pollution is a liability of wealth creation that the wealthy don't want to recognize."  They don't want to recognize it because then it becomes an expense and they would not have any money if they recognized the expenses that they truly created.  So indeed that is well guised immaturity.  That is something I absolutely loathe!  Why?  Because well guised immaturity is really a form of developmental disorder AKA mental retardation.

Am I really supposed to love and embrace the concept of mental retardation?  Is that supposed to be something I am supposed to think of as beautiful?  "Oh how beautiful Johnny can't read!"  "Oh how beautiful Donald is humping his brother."  "Oh how beautiful the Governor looks like is has palsy on one side of his face." "Oh how beautiful that child just walked up to me as a boy and attempted to bite my ear."  "Oh how beautiful your daughter made a video with her wife that reminds me of a dog ceremoniously licking its hind end."So I suppose that you could force me to have therapy until I see things how you do above?  Amendment 9 to the U.S. Constitution should protect me from that.

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

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