The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Thursday, October 25, 2018

So why did the Moors Invade Europe? 10 25 2018

A good discussion of why the Moors Invaded Europe.

They issued a Tax on non Muslims called the Jizya.  Could one simply avoid paying the tax by converting to Muslim?  "Either you worship the writings of this man or you pay us a tax?"  The Muslims didn't like Polytheism.  But why?  What is that really getting at?  Doesn't it really mean that they don't like it when a man can be more than one thing?  That would make it Satanism?

Now I am cuffing the dates here.  But look at the impact on world history.  You had the Moors invade Europe from perhaps 700 ad to 1400 ad.  A good 700 years.  They took up good residence in Italy?  That is why Italians are olive skinned?  But who would be the only Italians that would have been able to afford that Jizya Tax?  Likely the wealthy Vineyard owners???  If indeed the Muslims didn't abolish that?  But right there that doesn't make sense does it.  Allah didn't like Alcohol.  So  how did the vineyards in Italy survive over those 700 years?  Which means what?  The Muslims/Moors were really about money, has nothing to do with religion at all.

But here is what I believe to be a very important and overlooked historical point.  Look what happened next.

Not long after the Moors were defeated and kicked out of Europe you had Columbus set sail.  Looking for new lands?  Why?  Because Europe as a mess?

I have never written anything pro British in my life?  But lets say you had the Moors conquer Europe.  Then get kicked out about 1400.

Now history books read that they were good leaders?  But what happens in black core poverty neighborhoods?  Isn't it really the drug dealers who rule by acts of hatred?

So was there an element of that to the Moors rule of Europe?  I once read that African women gave their baby boys pot to calm them down.  We know it causes mental retardation when done like that.  Did the Moors bring Cannabis to Europe?  And look at how that as the black population in the U.S. has grown it has also coincided with a motivation to legalize Cannabis?

What am I getting at?  Were the British Colonizations of Africa and elsewhere an initial attempt that a power like the Moors never conquer Caucasians again?

So your original Romans who were Italians were Caucasians.  It isn't fair to say that with that olive skin color that they are Caucasians anymore.  So they have their genealogy in the Moors and were part of one of the most destructive influences on the United States, Organized Crime, AKA Mafia, drug dealing to the point of legalization because you got everyone screwed up with it, prostitution.  Prostitution about how the Muslims treat or treated women or considered them?

They also ruled over India?  Where those of India originally white?

And indeed rather than making statements I am more or less asking questions.

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

When the Moors retreated, (were they allowed to retreat?), did they take that wealth (Gold?) back with them?

Isn't psychiatry really a satanic tax on an individuals belief system?  Their belief in themselves?  To develop yourself to be able to accomplish many things makes the snake eyed satanic jealous of you to the point you must be a Polytheist or infidel?  Infidel just means you don't believe what someone else does?

off topic.

Where does the term Halloween come from?  Hallo from Holy?  But ween from??

Dictionary link:

Holy Wish!

To dress up and scare someone in the wish that somehow part of them will be gleamed by you?

Sounds like what everyone who hears voices and is diagnosed as Schizophrenic goes through?

 Would a Jizya Tax on non schizophrenic families end schizophrenia?

Jiz? I have heard Italians refer to semen, sperm, etc as Jiz.

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