The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Friday, October 19, 2018

The Advertising World 10 19 2018

The Advertising World 10 19 2018

Can you believe it?  They are actually using the names and images of television personalities you might secretly not like to advertise with by getting you to believe that they passed away!!!!

The emails and website boxes start out like this, "______fans are in morning!"  In order to play on your subconscious wishing they weren't around and click through to see what happened?

What does it mean?  It means that they know without a doubt there are certain television personalities the public absolutely can't stand!

So the question becomes, why are they on television in the first place?  Because they get you to REACT to advertising!!!!

How?  Chief asks?

Because subconsciously the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome American watches that show and thinks whatever that person is advertising is what made them so successful and famous!  If it could make someone as dispicable as that famous maybe it would be good for me too!

And look at the sports commentators?  The dumbest block heads ever!  Again,  "If it made that block head so successful it must be good for me too!"

Look at the news anchor opinions and the radio talk show hosts that are vitriolic against the American man!    Horrific.

Good God!  If that isn't Wiccan Coven America!  Needs to go!  Catapult speed.

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

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