The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Trump is Badgering the Witness? 10 03 2018

Trump is Badgering the Witness?  10 03 2018

The reason she isn't telling is because she doesn't want to reveal those people because they were friends?

It almost reads as if she is in on it?  Intentionally tasked with making false accusations in order to bring down the credibility of witnesses?  And thereby set a new legal standard that defies American rights?

But to give her credit.  I went to a heck of a lot of beer drinking parties in High School.  A heck of a lot of them.  I couldn't tell you where those houses were.  Why not?  Alcohols effect on the teenage brain.  A memory wiper?  So indeed I think that gives Christine even MORE credibility.

Trump wouldn't know anything about this because he was a good little boy and didn't drink?  And he didn't drink because he was already such a problem child that his father had to send him off to the military academy where he was able to network with other brats just like himself.

Do you want to know why I can't remember?  Because I had my own soul and those who didn't have there own would give me the bottomless glass after bottomless glass.  Why?  So I pissed all that knowledge into the toilet and the soulless being the beneficiary of that.

So how did Trump turn an allegedly $1 million into what he says it is today?  Likely bought or inherited the rest of his fathers real estate empire after he died?

© 2018 Thomas Murphy

Females have a lower tolerance for alcohol than males do.  That also mean it takes far less to give them cancer.  And that it takes far less than they think to give their baby a birth defect.  You may not be able to understand what I write.  But if you think about it and connect the dots you will be able to.  Everything I write is based on logic and premise.

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