The Thomas Paul Murphy Music Player

"You might think that I am off base, but I am published by the Securities and Exchange Commission."

Thomas Paul Murphy

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Gasified Polyethylene Glycol 10 28 2018

Gasified Polyethylene Glycol 10 28 2018

How dangerous is it?  I think it is a lot more dangerous than they state.  Is it dangerous enough to give you a heart attack?

What am I talking about?  You might not even know you are smelling it.  It might take you a long time to realize what the smell is coming from?

You have a coolant leak somewhere in your car and it is dripping onto a hot engine block and that Polyethylene Glycol is gasified?

You might see that your coolant reserve container is down about only an ounce?  It shouldn't be down at all!  It should be at a constant level.  Do you see a drip on the bottom of the car?

Apparently it is also a type of sweetener!

I think the gas might be more toxic than the liquid.  No research basis to support it though.

Off topic.

I believe the Formaldehyde in plywood to be very toxic too!  When cutting or sanding it.  Doesn't take a lot to put you under the weather.

I think the chemical industry has had long enough to make substitute chemicals that are safer and mandate the use of them.

It is all about money.

I would be willing to bet that if you started making safer chemicals and mandating the use of them something similar to the mechanical engineering principle of the less parts the better the machine would prove true to chemical engineering.  But we would need a change of national leadership to make something positive like that happen.

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